Friday, August 24, 2012

breathing through a clogged straw....

sunrise on my street!

I’ve been living the last few days at its basest level…sleep, eat, take pills, converse with Rob for a few minutes and repeat, it seems. Just when you think you’ve got the whole sickness thing down, you get thrown a loop to see how unfunctional you can really become. I don’t know what I picked up back east on my trip but it is a doozy, let me tell ya.

It all started about Monday afternoon, when I was doing laundry and I bent over to put more clothes in the dryer and it felt like my head and the rest of my body didn’t want to come back up with me when I went to stand back up. You know, that weird dizziness that heralds an alarm that something just isn’t right.  That was shortly followed by the beginnings of a headache that has now turned into a continuous dull roar that analgesics aren’t touching.  Then the lovely body aches started, along with the chills.  The last thing to manifest has been this lovely inability to breathe or rather the feeling that I am breathing through an ever narrowing straw. Now, just a trip to get a cup of tea or to go to the bathroom seems like something I should require a field trip permission slip for.

I went to see my doctor on Wednesday, mostly because Rob insisted. I have a feeling this is some kind of virus and we all know that there’s really nothing to be done with them except wait them out. She gave me one of those z-packs of antibiotics, checked everything and told me that if I continue to get worse after the pack is done, I need to get back to her.  My O2 sats were low but not critical then, but I can tell you right now those darn pills have done nothing, just as I suspected they wouldn’t.

As to the cause of all this, there are many things it could be.  I was back east, in a heavily wooded area where my Mom lives and I got bit by about a zillion mosquitoes.  That’s bad enough, as I have almost an allergic reaction to the bites, they turn into huge sores, even when I don’t scratch them.  These guys seemed to almost like the bug spray I was constantly putting on, too, it didn’t faze them! This year is supposed to the worst ever for West Nile Virus, so I’m very worried about that as a possibility. Also, my mom informed me about halfway through our visit that there had been a deer mouse infestation in the motorhome we were staying in so there’s always a possibility of Hantavirus from the dust they left behind. And, of course, there’s all the strange hotels we stayed in on the way there and back that could have been harboring who knows what.

Some people say I overreact to all these things, but this is how I’ve kept myself as healthy and alive as I have for so many years. I’m a little OCD when it comes to staying away from germs, but it has served me well and I don’t care what people think, as long as I’m alive to keep having them harass me about my idiosyncrasies, it’s all good.

So, I guess I’ll be calling the doc back today, since it is Friday and we all know that if things are going to get worse, they will over the weekend, good ole Murphy’s Law. I don’t think there’s much she can do at this point, except maybe give me some sort of inhaler. We’ve still got days and weeks before some of the tests we’ve done come back.

Rob has been an absolute doll, cooking for me, keeping the house as clean as he is capable of, with all the work he has to do and calling me from his job every few hours to check on me during the day. Thistle, young as she is, has also been just a perfect little puppy, mostly staying with me, sleeping on my lap and really being a good girl. It’s like she knows I don’t feel well and so she’s on her best behavior. The only thing she’s gotten into is a few of Rob’s socks that he left laying around upstairs.  She’s been bringing those down to me sporadically, I think in an attempt to manifest Rob out of one. She never chews them, just carries them around, the little turd.

Well, I’ve complained enough and I really hate writing on my laptop, which I’m forced to use right now as the office seems just a little too far to travel to, even though it’s only about 20 feet from my chair. It’s Friday, and I do plan to go down to the Moose and visit with my friends for a bit tonight, come hell or high water.  I’m going to go insane if I have to sit here much longer by myself.  I hope you all have a fantastic weekend, get out and enjoy the fresh air for me.

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