Tuesday, July 24, 2012

crazy days of summer.....

Mormon Row in Tetons

Gosh, it’s been so long since I’ve written, I think I may have forgotten how! Darn summertime, eh? It’s been jammed packed full of interesting things and sitting still hasn’t been high on my priority list. But, Thistle and I are back to getting up at the crack of dawn again so I figured I better make good use of the time since Rob doesn’t appreciate me making too much noise at 5 a.m.

There’s been some pretty big changes in the household, lately.  Rob and I went to do a commercial photo shoot a few weeks ago over in Gillette at Destination X and I fell in love with a side by side ATV.  After much discussion, we decided to sell my big seven passenger vehicle and get one for me to use as a little “town car”. It really worked out well all around. I have a neighbor up the street who had told me about a year ago that if I ever wanted to give up my Freestyle, she wanted it, as she has 4 kids and knows what a great car it’s been(and what a little old lady driver I am).  For both of us, it was about the easiest vehicle purchases we’ve ever done so it must have been written in the stars!  They went to the bank here in town and practically got the loan on their signature.  That’s the way things work here when they know you well.  For us, it was easy peasy because we only had to scrape together the money for the taxes and tags after selling my car and were able to buy my side by side outright!

We’ve even gotten an entry with it in the annual fair and rodeo parade coming up in two weeks. This year’s theme for the parade is “Dancing with the Steers” (a play on Dancing with the Stars) and Thistle will be the star attraction.  I’m not going to tell you what all we’re doing so it will be a surprise for those of you who will be watching the parade, but it will be really funny, I guarantee!

Me and Thistle in the side by side

We also managed to take a nice, long weekend trip over to the Tetons a couple of weeks ago. We went over to get some good shots of the mountains in summer bloom, or so we were hoping.  The darn summer has been so hot and dry, though, there were hardly any flowers left. The mountains were a little hard to see, as well, as the smoke from the Fontenelle fire is still obscuring the view quite a bit.  We still managed to get some great shots, I don’t think you can get too many bad shots of the Tetons, no matter the weather.  When we first arrived over there, it was in the 90’s and we’d only been there about 2 hours when a big rainstorm blew in and dumped a bunch of wind and rain on us very quickly.  So, we ran back for the truck to keep from getting soaked and sat and watched as the temperature went from 90 to 57 in a matter of about 10 minutes! It pretty much stayed that way, nice and cool, for the remainder of our weekend.  We stayed in Dubois, which is just over the Togwatee Pass from the Tetons and about $200 a night cheaper than staying in Jackson Hole. It’s a much smaller town, a lot like Buffalo, only about 900 people.  Boy, did we have a blast there! As we were checking into our motel, the owner there saw that we were from WY and right off the bat, gave us another $50 off our room rate, just for being locals! We had some fabulous cuisine while we were in Dubois and found the local bar hangout and made some great new friends. We’ve decided to go back in September for our 20th wedding anniversary, we had so much darn fun.  Now that we have the ATV, we’ll probably trailer that over with us and really have fun!

Our garden has also been keeping us very busy! We’ve had an especially good crop of berries from our chokecherry bushes this year and for the last week, Rob and I have been picking berries until our hands are pretty much stained purple and I have been making jelly to beat the band. It’s sort of a race to see who gets to the berries first, us or the darn birds! As for the rest of the garden, we’ve already harvested our sugar snap peas (wonderful!) and are starting to get in some green beans and zucchini.  The corn went from knee high on the 4th of July to almost 8 feet tall as of today! It has already begun to tassle, even!  By the time we get back from Maryland, I have a feeling I’m going to be a canning fool.

That’s what up next around here…We’ll be leaving on August 10th to go back to Maryland to celebrate my Mom’s 75th birthday as well as my Aunt Becca’s 60th birthday.  Looks like just about the entire Burke contingency will be there to celebrate as well. They’ll be coming from Alabama and Georgia mostly, although, my cousin Rick, lives in Maryland.  I can’t believe that after not seeing some of my relatives for 20-30 years, I get to see some of them for the second time in one year! I must admit, though, MD in August is not the ideal time to be going, it’s going to be so hot and humid! Mom has one of those big tour bus RV motorhomes, though, with air conditioning, and that’s where Rob, Thistle and I will be staying throughout the festivities. We’re driving, of course, because we always have to bring back lots of Yuengling beer, Snyder’s pretzels and Utz potato chips! Rob is also looking forward to the trip because his Mom and sisters only live about 2 miles from my mom. We’ve also already let our old friends at the American Legion in Hampstead know we’re coming so we can get together with all of them one evening while we’re there.

My health is staying pretty steady.  My stomach is still giving me a fit and I can’t eat very much at one sitting, probably a good thing, but it’s frustrating at times. I get about halfway through whatever I’m eating and I start feeling really nauseous so I have to stop. Seems I buy a pair of pants that fit and two weeks later they are too big. I really need to get to the doc’s and find out where my labs stand but darn it, it’s summertime and I don’t want to get involved in all that stuff right now.

I have one more wedding to perform on August 3rd before we leave.  This one’s going to be a nice, small one for some very dear friends and I’m really looking forward to it.  The last one I did for Larry and Bonnie up on the mountain was such a hoot! Bonnie arrived on a 4x4 and came down the aisle of fishing poles draped in wildflowers!  It was a beautiful ceremony and there was at least 100 people there!

Larry & Bonnie's Wedding!

Thistle is finally getting over her heat cycle, by the way.  Geez, if I’d known this was going to last a month, I don’t know that I would have let her go through this (or me, for that matter). It all started on June 25th , I know because I wrote it down.  It does seem to be calming her down, though, now that we are seeing the other side of it.  She’ll be getting spayed towards the end of September.  It’s been fun (not) trying to keep her away from other dogs and she’s not been happy to have to stay in the yard for a month except for when we went to the Tetons. Hopefully, now I can get her re-enrolled in obedience classes soon.

Well, folks, get out there and have yourselves an incredible day! I’m going to hop in my little blue ATV in a little bit and go have some fun.  With this thing, even a trip to the grocery store is a blast!

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