Wednesday, July 25, 2012

mighty winds blow in....

Rob and the garden before it got big

I wish you’d been a fly on the wall last night when the big windstorm blew in! Rob was pretty hilarious! Talk about rage against the machine, he was cursing the heavens and Mother Nature something fierce.  You see, our corn has gotten over 8 feet tall now and we have to be very protective of it.  We’ve got tarps surrounding the fences on two sides to keep the wind from damaging it too much.  This year, we were very diligent and got the tarps up early, in anticipation of wind, which usually ends up with us having to tie each individual corn stalk to the next after it’s been blown into a mess on the ground.  We thought we were really clever this year. So, last night, we got one of those storms that started bending trees almost sideways. Rob started running from one window to the next, checking to see if things were holding and spouting all kinds of things that I won’t repeat here.  It was quite a scene to behold!

I’m happy to say, though, this morning, I got up and went out to look and the corn is intact and we got a decent amount of rain out of the whole ordeal. To top it off, I got an evening’s entertainment, courtesy of my ultimately pessimistic husband, to carry me through.  I don’t mean to belittle his fears, but there’s not a whole lot to be done when Mother Nature decides to do something, right?  Ya just gotta laugh.  But, the garden is his baby and he puts so much works into it.  He has the added pressure with the corn, too, because he has promised a bunch of it to a friend of ours, in trade, for firewood.  The firewood is already sitting out back and our friend is just waiting for his corn when it comes in. Rob acts like he has a made a promise to a bookie that will cut off his legs, though. Oh, and the rest of the garden is doing just fine, as well. We have so many healthy tomato plants and various squash plants that we may actually have to get a booth at the farmer’s market when it all is ready to harvest! Even our carrots are growing like they are on steroids this year.

This morning, it’s still overcast and there’s a pretty healthy wind but nothing like last night. Thistle is sitting out back with her head into the wind, soaking in all the smells.  She looks like one of the sphinxes in Egypt out there right now.  I bet she can smell dogs from all over with that wind!  The only damage I can see from my office window is that the wind did a little bending on our massive hollyhocks out front, but that can be remedied easily with a few stakes to prop them back up.

We’ll be very busy for the rest of the week getting ready for Crazy days here in town. That marks the beginning of our Fair and Rodeo here in Buffalo. On Friday, the stores here in town have massive sidewalk sales and we have a big dance in Prosinski Park.  Then, on Saturday, we have Art in the Park, where we’ll have a booth with our photography, along with lots of other vendors and they have all kinds of cool contests….water barrel races, bed races, stick horse barrel racing…it’s a hoot. The water barrel race is the star attraction, they bring out the fire hoses and put barrels up on ropes and the contestants fight with the hoses to push the barrels toward their opponents.  It’s a great fun, wet, time!

Well, I hear the mighty wind fighter has awakened so I better get my rear in gear.  I hope you find humor in the little things in your life, as well.  Life’s just too short to be a grump. Get out there and make someone smile today, even if it’s at your own expense.

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