Monday, July 2, 2012

helping neighbors....

Peggy and Sherry at Peg's benefit

There is no better feeling in the world, as far as I’m concerned, as the one you get helping someone else.  I have learned over the years that the best way to make yourself feel better is to make someone else feel better.

Sherry and I managed to pull off Peggy’s benefit fantastically, if I do say so myself. We had a blast together doing it, too.  Thursday, we were flying all over Sheridan, getting the last minute stuff and I think there was a special bounce in our steps, knowing that we were actually doing something worthwhile.  Sure, we were tired as heck, we’ve been working on this for a month, but every time one of us would start complaining, we’d remind each other that we weren’t the ones who’ve been dealing with constant pain and extreme financial uncertainty for months and months and this would end for us in a day or two but not for Peg.

I really gotta hand it to Sherry.  She has a lot of her own difficulties to deal with, she lost her dad this year and had to convince her mom to move into town from the ranch she’d lived in for 60 years. That may not sound like a lot, but there’s so much involved in all that. She’s been through a whole lot lately but she was the one who came up with the whole idea of the benefit for Peggy. For the past month, she’s been working all night at the Senior Center and then getting up bright and early and going out and getting donations every day of the week.  Just like everyone else in this economy, she’s been struggling herself,  but she put it all aside to help her best friend, Peg. Sherry is one of those people that would give her last ounce of energy, if need be. She’s been by my side helping me through my nightmares for 14 years and I don’t know what I’d do without her. I think Peggy is pretty humbled and impressed with her right now, too!

We went down Friday during happy hour and set up all the silent auction items in the back room of the Moose.  Sherry had gotten some festive tablecloths and it really put the icing on the cake for the presentation of the items.  We ended up with about 50 items for the bidding, exceeding even our expectations! After we got all the stuff laid out all pretty and the bidding sheets lined up next to every item, the folks who were there partying for happy hour asked if it was okay if they could go ahead and start the bidding! Heck, yes!  Before we left, we already had some items that had $100 bids on them!  Talk about taking the pressure off! We also had several people there who pressed money into our hands for Peg because they weren’t going to be able to join in the festivities on Saturday!

Saturday, we got there about two hours before the benefit was to start and brought all our salads we made.  Sherry brought a fabulous tropical fruit salad with yogurt and two huge pans of brownies and cookies that she and her niece, Shelby had made.  I brought a pasta salad, several veggie trays and a big ole bowl of fresh watermelon.  Ladies started streaming in with other wonderful stuff and before we knew it, it was time for Sherry to go round up all the donated chicken.  She picked up chicken from DJ’s, Duffy’s Bluff and the Dash Inn and boy, did that make the Moose smell good!

Melody played her heart out for us!!

Melody Larsen (Donahue) was the star attraction, though.  Boy, can that woman sing and play an acoustic guitar!  She volunteered her time and made the benefit really special and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to repay her. She has an amazing voice and a great variety of music she plays. She also was our announcer for the 50/50 raffle and for the winners of the auction items, tirelessly staying until the end, even offering to help clean up, which we didn’t let her do. I imagine she had enough work to do the next day, clearing out her equipment! There’s a special place in Heaven set aside for that girl, let me tell ya!

The whole thing went just awesomely!  Lots of people showed up and we even had a few bidding wars on some of the items. Peggy and John came around 3 p.m. and everyone was just so happy to see Peggy out and about for once.  Peggy, of course, spent most of the day weeping on someone’s shoulder. I think she was a bit overwhelmed by the outpouring by her friends. Word of mouth had spread to her friends in Story and Sheridan so there was a huge crowd there all day. Everyone had their fill of food and we even had leftover chicken and salads to send home with Peg and John.

The 50/50 was a hit.  I was selling them for $1 a piece or an arm’s length for $10 and I don’t think there was a single soul that didn’t get an arm’s length. I was having fun with the measurement (only one wins, right?) and really giving everyone a lot of tickets. Terry Ahern ended up winning the other half of the pot but as she said, she donated it right back because she also bid on a lot of the auction items.

All in all, I think we raised over $3,000 for Peg on Saturday.  I’m still not sure of the exact total because there’s a few people who won items that had already left and I have to go retrieve that money today. We made sure that Peggy didn’t leave the bar empty handed, though, giving her the cash from the 50/50 and the cash donations from dinner before she left. She was really having a hard time accepting all this from everyone and asking us how she was going to “repay” us.  Silly girl….I told her to just say thank you and move on.  Things like this only happen once in a blue moon and we know she’d be right there for us if we needed her so….just say thank you, get your life straightened out financially and get to healing!

Speaking of the generosity of this fine town, the fires are pretty much put out that are closest to us. The Cato fire is still being fought but it’s mostly in the mop up stages, with a few flares still trying to wreak havoc out by Clearmont.  The Otter Creek fire on the other side of the mountain outside Tensleep is finally getting under control, too. Last week, everyone here was donating supplies for the firefighters and it got so that they had to tell us to stop, they were getting overwhelmed! The last few truck loads ended up going up to Montana and over to Tensleep to help those firefighters.  There was even enough donated vitamin water and other non-perishable supplies that our firefighters have a reserve that’s been placed at the firehall in the event that we have another catastrophe. Yep, we take care of our own around here! Remember, too, folks, there’s only about 4,500 of us here in Buffalo, but when there’s a crisis, you’d think we were 45,000. Unfortunately, there’s a new fire down by Wheatland, right near where my dog breeder lives that’s getting out of control, too. I hear they have mandatory evacuations going on as of last night.  Gosh, this is going to be a nightmare of a summer, I fear.

We are already under a total fire ban, as of today, both in Johnson County and up on State/ BLM land.  Folks, that means if you are a smoker, you are not to be even smoking outside your car or with the windows rolled down! Please be careful, too, if you pull off to watch wildlife on the side of the road.  The grass is so dry, the heat from your car can ignite a fire if it touches the undercarriage. As of last night, Ucross Foundation has cancelled the fireworks show, too. I hear the Big Horn Equestrian Center in Sheridan is going ahead with theirs, I hope that’s not a foolish decision. And, I’m telling you right now, if I’m driving around and I see someone lighting off fireworks, I WILL call the cops. We’re in such a dangerous situation right now and I don’t think someone’s need for pretty sparkly stuff is worth the risk. Wait til next year, when it’s hopefully not so dangerous. I know I don’t want to be the idiot responsible for burning down the mountain or the town over a few fireworks, do you?

Well, I hope you all have a fantastic week.  We all need to be extra nice to each other right now. The heat is taking it’s toll on the whole country, but that doesn’t mean we can’t greet each other with an encouraging smile…..

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