Tuesday, May 8, 2012

dig, dig, dig....

My bear carving in the front yard, surrounded by my cherry bushes

Good morning, all my fine readers! I hope your Monday was as wonderful as mine was.  It was just about the most perfect day I’ve had in a while.  The sun was shining so nicely all day and the temperature was just perfect, not too hot and not too cold, as long as you stayed out of the shade.  I spent so much time out in the garden, digging around, that I still can’t get all the dirt out from under my fingernails.

The best part is that right now all of my lilac hedges are beginning to bloom and it just smells heavenly out in my yard. Well, actually, some of the fruit trees are still blooming, too and it’s almost intoxicating to be out there.  Since the lilacs are on three sides of the property, no matter which way the wind blows, it seems, it smells like lilacs. And this is just the beginning, the hedge still has a lot of flowers to open up yet!

I stayed home yesterday and let Rob take his truck since his knee is doing so well. That really gave me the opportunity to get a lot of stuff done around here.  We had a lot of nasty dead patches in the grass and so I had to scrape a lot of dead grass out so Rob can reseed, hopefully in the next few days.  I also had gotten some great new hanging baskets online that are a pretty paisley print, so yesterday I filled the first two up with my new black and yellow petunias.  They really look nice hanging on the front porch now between all the wind chimes.

Sometimes I wonder if I irritate my neighbors with all my wind chimes, I do have an over abundance of them, I must admit.  But, I’ve been very choosy about the ones I’ve got, they aren’t just little ones.  When we were on vacation, I got a really nice grouping that it about 2 feet long and they make a beautiful low gonging sound out there now.  I think I’m up to about 6 sets now.  When the wind blows, which is often does here, it is wonderful, I think.  Most of them take a lot of wind to even start making any noise at all.  I even have one that we got in Cody that’s made out of iron, shaped like big pine cones, that will knock you right out if you happen to run into them on the porch, they are so darn heavy.  The sales lady who sold them to me say that I better live in Wyoming, or I’d never hear them do anything because it takes a lot of wind to make them move.

Anyway, after I filled up my two new planters, I headed out to the backyard and started planting my long planters that I use for all of my salad ingredients.  So now, I’ve got butter lettuce, arugula, chives, cherry tomatoes, cilantro, basil and rosemary growing on my back deck.  Thistle has a real affinity for dirt and was really trying to get a good munch of the soil the whole time I was working.  Yuck!  I can’t tell you how many times she’s come into the house with her mouth shut really tight and when I finally get her to open it, it’s full of a big clump of dirt!  I worry when she tries to get this dirt I’m filling the planters with, though, as I use that Miracle Grow soil and that can’t be good for her with all the extra fertilizer in it.

Rob had said he really needed to mow the lawn when he got home yesterday but I was worried about him and his knee so I decided after lunch that maybe I should at least try to start the mowing for him.  We have a huge yard and it takes quite a while to mow it all.  Since we’ve had so much moisture, the grass had gotten really tall.  Well, after I finally got the darn mower started, I managed to get most of the mowing done for him before he got home.  It took me forever because I had to keep going over places several times because it was so wet and tall.  I got all but the side of the house done and down  by the veggie garden. It’s a good thing because after he got finished with the rest of it and the trimming, his knee was giving him a fit.  Both of us watched the television through closed eyes most of the rest of the evening! 

Today is supposed to be another really nice day and I think I’m going to be outside some more.  I still have about 5 hanging pots to fill and get hung up.  The only errands I have to do are to get my car to the shop for a new battery and tune-up this morning and then this afternoon I’m finally getting my hair trimmed.  This evening, we’ve been invited to little Wyatt’s 5th birthday party.  He and Breean called last night and asked us to come.  He’s just so darn cute, when Breean asked him who he wanted at his party, he named off some little friends and then asked if he could invite us!  I’m going to have to go find something for the little guy today to take along as a present, too. 

I’m back on my Gerson Therapy diet and my stomach is sitting here grumbling like a big dog right now.  For the first few weeks, I have to drink and eat veggies and fruit every hour, but it still doesn’t seem to be enough!  I do remember from the last time that my stomach will shrink soon, though and this starving feeling should pass pretty quickly.  Just to give you an example, my  dinner last night was watermelon, blueberries and steamed asparagus and bok choy.  Not something that stays in your tummy very long!  It really is okay, though, as my stomach pains have already subsided since I’m not filling myself with heavy food anymore.  The only part of the diet I don’t like is that I can’t have coffee.  Now, mind you, I love tea and I drink it on a daily basis but usually I start off with a pot of coffee first to get that caffeine! You really have to drink a heck of a lot of green tea to get the same amount of caffeine and it just doesn’t feel the same. At least this time, I’m much better at the cooking and stuff.  The first time I went on this, I had no idea how to make all this stuff palatable.

Well, I hope you have sunshine where you are today!  Get out and enjoy some nature, if you can, it will make you feel so much more alive!  Turn off all the ugliness the television is trying to tell you and get back to the basics.  Get your hands dirty or just sit and watch a ladybug on her travels.  That always makes me realize that this world is so much more than the troubles we are constantly bombarded with over the airwaves.

To live in the present moment is a miracle. The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green Earth in the present moment, to appreciate the peace and beauty that are now available. ~Thich Nhat Hanh

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