Friday, May 4, 2012

Friday fun!

Thistle in her favorite chair

Happy Friday, everyone!! Yay….we made it to the weekend, again! Hope everyone has great plans to keep them busy!  Like I said yesterday we have the Elk banquet tomorrow evening, which is one of the big social events of the year.  There’s so much going on in the little town of Buffalo this weekend, though, geez!  Since tomorrow is Cinco de Mayo, a lot of places are having celebrations for that.  Also, my friends, John and Laura are having a “Saturday Night Live” party at Up in Smoke, where you can dress up as your favorite character from past episodes.  Wish I could split myself into a bunch of people and hit all the fun!

But, first, I have my little biopsy this morning.  I’m not sweating this at all, except maybe the momentary pain it will bring.  I was not happy that the GYN told me to just take some ibuprofen.  The last time I had one of these, it did hurt for some time afterward.  Oh well, put on your big girl pants, right? 

Yesterday, I went and got my noisy MRI.  I’m not real fond of those things, either.  I used to not have a problem with them but years ago I developed a severe phobia to the little tube. Now, when I go into it, I make sure my eyes stay shut the whole time so I can’t see how close I am to the walls and it seems to help.  This particular one is difficult, though, when they are looking at my abdominal area, as they make me hold my breath for what seems like forever!  But, I got through it just fine and now just await the results.

After I left the hospital yesterday, I stopped at Paw Prints Boutique to pick up Thistle some new dog food.  Barb didn’t like that I was feeding Thistle Eukanuba and wanted me to switch her over to something grain free.  While I was there, I picked up the boutique as a new web client! Jo is a very nice lady and she has a gorgeous golden retriever, too.  Her retriever has been through a lot, though.  Jo had another golden who passed away about 10 months ago and her surviving golden went into such a depression, she was afraid she was going to lose her, too. She’s just now getting to the point where she’s starting to play again.  Poor baby! I also picked up a big 4 foot long snake toy for Thistle while I was there and boy, does she love it!  I promised Jo that the next time I stopped by, I’d bring Thistle to meet her dog.

Rob is doing great with his knee, by the way.  He says he has almost no pain.  He never did take even one pain pill and he barely sat still at home.  At least he has a “sit down” job and that kept him quiet during the day.  We unwrapped the bandages yesterday and it looks marvelous, not even much swelling.  It’s going to be hard keeping him from tilling in the garden this weekend, I’m afraid.  There’s still a lot of healing going on inside, but you can’t tell Rob that!

Anyway, I have to cut this short this morning as my appointment in Sheridan is at 9 a.m. and I gotta get my arse in gear and out the door.  I hope you all have a wonderful weekend and count your blessings.  We live in an amazing world, in an amazing time! If you have the luxury of being able to read this, you are part of the small minority who have a computer in the world and you should feel pretty lucky, just on that note.  Today, focus on all the things that you DO have and not on the things that you lack.  Party on!!

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