Friday, May 11, 2012

Weekend is here!!

Front flower garden is starting to look nice!

Howdy campers!  We made it through another week without too many disturbances, now didn’t we? The weatherman had predicted some really cold temps for us last night, in the low thirties, but I just went out to let Miss Thistle do her business and it was almost balmy out.  Checking the temp, I see that it is 42, a far cry from freezing.  You never would have known it last night, though, the wind howled all evening and the thermometer had been plunging since early yesterday afternoon. Right now, though, it looks pretty icky out there, the mountains are all socked in with clouds and it's looking like we're going to get some kind of precipitation.  

Yesterday, I was pretty darn lazy.  For one thing, all those bug bites have been giving me a real fit.  They have now turned into big weeping sores. I had to dig out my special clay that I get from Worland to sooth the itchies and try to get them down to something manageable so I can be seen in public.  This stuff I have is magical, I have to tell you.  It’s made with bentonite and pascalite clay powder and also has cocoa butter and rosemary in it.  It’s made right here in the Big Horn Mountains.  I discovered it a few years ago when I had a weird rash the docs couldn’t figure out. Anyway, with big clay dots all over me, I thought it best to stay home as much as I could yesterday.

I did get out and make it over to my friend Jim’s house to pick up the clothes he wants to donate to the VA. Wow!  The entire back of my car is full of really nice jackets and shirts for the Vets. They are really going to appreciate all the clothes.  Jim got an offer he couldn’t refuse on his property out on Rock Creek and has decided to spend most of his time in Arizona now.  He says he had taken his house off the market several years ago when the bottom fell out of the market because he didn’t want it to go for cheap.  Well, a couple of weeks ago, a realtor called him and said someone wanted to buy his house. He told her that he wasn’t budging on his original price from years ago and they didn’t even flinch!  He has a beautiful place with an amazing view of the mountains, glassed walls on the mountain side.  Jim is such a hoot, he used to own the White Buffalo Saloon here in town and his sense of humor is awesome. We’re going to miss him.  He did promise to come down to Happy hour tonight, though, so we’ll have some time to say goodbye. He’ll be moving to Wickenburg, one of the places we stopped on our vacation and where another of our Buffalo friends retired to.  As a matter of fact, after going there, we are thinking that may be where we look for our little retirement home as well.  Wickenburg reminds me a lot of Buffalo, without the snow.

I wasn’t feeling real well after lunch yesterday and napped all afternoon.  You’d think after a 3 hour nap, I’d be all refreshed, but I ended up sleeping through half the evening as well. It was the only thing that kept my mind off the bug bites and the itching! I even have a freaking bite on my eyelid, below my silly eyebrow on one eye, argh!

Because of the wind we had yesterday, we know that the weather will be cooler today, that’s standard around here.  The wind always heralds a change in the weather.  Looks like we’ll have one more chilly night and then the temps are going to start moderating again.  Tomorrow starts the grand planting out in the veggie garden, though, no matter what the weatherman says! Rob has been collecting big boxes from his office in case we have to cover the tomato plants once we get them into the ground.

The other big event here in the Yingling household is we are having a new custom computer delivered tomorrow!  I wish I was as geeky as my husband because then I’d remember all the bells and whistles he ordered.  I can tell you that this new one will have two 23 “monitors hooked together.  Rob has them like that at his office and is hooked on the set-up.  With two monitors, side by side, you can have lots of windows open and actually move them between the screens so you can have lots of stuff open at the same time. It will come in handy with the web designing work we do.  He also got some ungodly amount of RAM and storage on this computer, too.  So, we are looking forward to Heidi coming over tomorrow morning to get it all hooked up.  I’m glad she’s doing the hooking up as we have a plotter printer and two other photo printers that need to all work together and our computers have to be networked together, as well.

People always think that because we have a web design business, I know a lot about computers.  Web designing just uses software and I know absolutely nothing more than how to use the particular software.  I am constantly getting phone calls from friends, asking if I can fix their computers!  Nope, I tell them, I probably know less than they do.  Heck, I don’t even know how to set up an email account and get it working on the computer, Rob has to help me! I’m a nurse people, not a computer geek! We are actually in the process of getting rid of our web business, anyway, trying to concentrate on the photo end of our business, which is much more fun.  We are slowly turning over clients to Heidi, who runs Buffalo Computer Consulting.  It will be awhile, unfortunately, as we have over 70 clients and we don’t want to just dump them. It will probably be several years before we are all the way out of the business.

Anyway, I hope you all have a fantastic weekend and that you find something to do outdoors, if the weather is cooperating where you are!  Nothing like getting out into nature to make you feel alive!

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