Monday, May 14, 2012

Flower power!

Mr Moose snacking along Hwy 16

Well, I don’t know about you, but we sure had a gloriously busy weekend!  I’m sitting here trying to remember it all! After a very chilly Friday, everything straightened out weatherwise, too!

Friday, we went to Sheridan and got Rob’s stitches out of his knee and the doc proclaimed that he was healing quite nicely.  It’s just a matter of moving that puppy now that will help with the little stiffness he’s got left.  We also stopped by the homeless shelter at the VA and dropped off a huge load of jackets and shirts from our friend, Jim.  Boy, were the residents happy!  We had a whole parade of guys come out and help us unload the car and there was much exclamation about how nice the clothes were and how much they all appreciated the gesture.  We just love contributing to them because it’s such a well kept, safe place. Believe it or not, I’ve been almost homeless myself a few times and I never forget those folks.

We had a pretty nice happy hour, although a couple of my friends were acting like a-holes and drawing way more attention to our table than I usually like.  It was so bad that I got several phone calls the next day, asking what the heck was up.  I just told them that I can’t control my friends, they are all adults and if they want to alienate people, that’s their business, right? I was happy to find out, though, that no one thought I was one of the a-holes!

Saturday, Heidi from Buffalo Computer Consulting came over and hooked up our new computer.  Boy, is it a screamer!  Because we do so much work with photos, we got a 1 Terabyte hard drive for the operating system and programs and another 1 Terabyte hard drive just for data.  We also got two huge monitors that are linked together so Rob doesn’t have to close programs, he can just move them between the screens when he’s working.  He’s got the same set up at work and just loves it.  I have a feeling I’m going to be doomed to the older computer, but that’s okay, he’s the one who is into the bells and whistles!  At least now we’ll have two computers again that are both working well so I can get on the computer when he’s home, which I haven’t been able to do in eons.

The first thing we had to do with the new computer was start moving photo files from this older computer.  Just from his one camera file, he had over 250 GB of photos to move! Eventually, we’ll get all those photos on disc, but it sure is nice to have them off my computer now! It took 5 hours to move those photos!

In the afternoon, Rob headed out and tilled up the whole veggie garden in preparation for planting, which he did yesterday.  Now, all we have left to plant out there are the tomato plants, jalepeno peppers, eggplant and radishes.  We’ll be doing that this evening, tucking them in their little water walls to keep them safe in case of cold weather.  While he was doing that, I mowed the lawn, which is no easy feat.  I can’t tell you how often I wish we had a nice, level lawn! We are actually looking at riding mowers longingly now, something I thought we’d never do. 

We were just talking last night that this “getting old” stuff is for the birds!  Now I see why people move into condos and stuff when they get older!  Keeping up the house and the yard is becoming actual work and causing both of us a lot of pain! While Rob was tilling and planting, I kept asking him how his knee was holding up and he said that was no problem, it was his back that was giving him grief.  I think next year, we’ll have to rent one of those big tillers instead of using our little Mantis tiller, it took him almost 6 hours to till the garden with that little thing.

Today is planting day for all the flowers and I just can’t wait.  Rob is so excited that he had to plant a couple of his favorites before he left for work this morning.  We got a beautiful Gerbera daisy and some African daisies that he planted right near the front steps that really are going to make the front garden “pop”.  This morning, I’m going to plant all the Allysium, but I have to wait for Rob for the rest because I have no idea where we’re going to fit everything! I just love that my husband likes flowers as much as I do.

I got a phone call first thing this morning about my PAP.  I’m going to have to go in for more swabbing as they are concerned that the cells may be more aggressive than first thought. Diane promised that there’d be no more snipping, though, for the moment, this is just a swab test to determine exactly what is causing the dysplasia.  She said there are over 100 but that a bunch of them can be very virulent and because of my depressed immune system, she wants to make sure it’s not one of the aggressive types before we do any treatment. So, I have to go back on Friday for the test and should get results right before I leave for Alabama next week, hopefully.

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful week!  I plan on getting out and enjoying this sunshine as much as possible!  My nasty bug bites are finally healing, thanks to Rob putting lots of hydrogen peroxide on them to dry the suckers up and I’ve got my bug spray all made up now so hopefully, I’ve got that under control now!  Right now, we’ve got hundreds and hundreds of butterflies hanging out in our lilac bushes, they must have all hatched over the weekend and it’s just glorious being out in the yard with them fluttering around everywhere! 

Now, get out there and enjoy your day!

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