Thursday, May 3, 2012

some days the bear eats you....

Rudbeckia blooming in front garden last year

Looks like it’s going to be a lovely Thursday, folks! We had a big old wind come through Buffalo last evening and I thought for sure I was going to wake up to something nasty this morning, but, nope….it’s a beautiful, sunshiney, warm morning out there! The sun is reflecting off the snow up on the mountains and they are positively glowing, too.

Yesterday, Rob decided he was feeling well enough to go to work. I gotta give him a lot of credit.  He seemed none the worse for wear last night.  He says the only time his knee hurts is when it has been bent for a long time… that straightening it out hurts afterwards.  He stayed at work all day yesterday, though, which is good, I guess. I’m hoping he still feels as good this morning, now that that injected pain relief has worn off.  He even allowed me to put ice on it last night.

So, I was able to get all kinds of things done yesterday that I thought I wouldn’t! One of the things I did was go and see my doc about my stomach.  It’s really been giving me a fit now for a while and I was going to wait until after my biopsy Friday but it has been yelling at me more and more and it’s getting to the point where I can’t find anything to eat that doesn’t cause discomfort. So, today, I’m scheduled for a bunch of MRI’s again and maybe a side of a CT scan, I can’t remember.  I tried to get them scheduled the same day with my biopsy but that didn’t work out. The doctor told me to try to rest my stomach until we get the results, in case it’s diverticulitis again.  That means I’ll be eating nothing but yogurt, jello, soup and ice cream until I get the results.  That’s okay with me, I love all of those and could probably survive on them forever.  I stopped at the store and loaded up on Haagan Daaz Mango Sorbet, my favorite! I just adore how all the ice cream companies have now come out with those little one cup servings, now my freezer is full of the little suckers.

The only bad part is that I’ll have to watch everyone else have cocktails tomorrow night at Happy hour.  That doesn’t really bother me, either, as I only drink to be sociable, anyway.  We also have the big Rocky Mtn Elk banquet on Saturday, when they serve some of the best food of the year, catered by Peter Camino.  I guess I’ll have to bring my yogurt along and just watch for that one.

I had ordered some really cool hanging baskets for my front porch that arrived yesterday so I had to run out and find flowers to stick in them.  As soon as I get those guys filled with flowers, I’ll take a picture and show you.  I’m always looking for things to brighten up our porch as our house is sort of a slate gray and these baskets are paisley! That should look really nice!

So, today, I’ll drop Rob off at work again and get a few things done here in town.  Since I have his truck, I’ll probably pick him up for an early lunch as I have to be in Sheridan at 1:30 for my tests.

Rob just got up and says that I can put away his pain pills!  He never even took a single one! He says his knee is feeling pretty darn good.  I guess there’s a big difference if you don’t have arthritis in your knee, like I did.  I am just amazed, as his pain threshold is usually much lower than mine. I am so grateful that it’s going so well for him!

May your day be filled with wonder and blessings. I hope that you realize what an amazing thing it is just to be here on this planet, breathing the air and enjoying the sunshine.  Don’t let the little things get you down.  Everything always works out, I’ve found. Sometimes it’s hard to see the sunshine for the clouds but it’s always there, just waiting to warm you again!

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