Wednesday, June 6, 2012

cash mob day....

Dancing to the Younger Brothers at the Wild Bunch Luau! We know how to have fun!

Good morning, all, hope your week is going well. It’s hump day and we’re on the home stretch to another glorious weekend filled with warmth and flowers, just around the corner! Man, once again, we had just an amazingly beautiful weather day here, yesterday.  It was hot all day and then we had a little thunderstorm to wet the plants last night.  It wasn’t enough to do anything, the wind was evaporating it faster than it could land, but it was nice.

So, far, and I’m keeping my fingers crossed here, Thistle doesn’t seem to react to thunder one whit! Our last Golden, Tumbleweed, was terrified of storms and we tried everything with her to get her to make it through them.  Towards the end of her life, the only remedy was xanax and being held while she trembled terribly and her tongue practically turned purple from panting so much.  Many a night, I woke up with a 70 pound dog on my head!  I’m going to forgive Thistle a lot of things if she can just keep it together through storms.  She seems to not even notice them, though and for that I’m just so grateful.  I figure if she could handle that huge storm we had while we were down in Oklahoma a week ago, she probably won’t have any problems here.

I spent most of yesterday conspiring with Sherry about this benefit we’re going to do for our friend, Peg.  Sherry is a dynamo when it comes to arranging stuff like this.  For years, she was the backbone of a huge memorial pool tournament for her brother’s memory, until that just got too big and moved to Sheridan.  We’ve got the Moose reserved for the 30th of this month for the benefit and Sherry is working on getting us a band right now.  I got all the flyers done yesterday and we’ve already started to get donations for the silent auction.  Like I told you, this town rocks when someone is in need!  Looks like we’re going to offer a big fried chicken dinner for everyone, with the grocery stores and hopefully Peg’s employer, here in town donating the chicken.  We’ve already had all kinds of offers for side salads and Sherry’s niece has offered to do some amazing desserts. Any time I have a party of my own, I call Shelby for the desserts because she not only makes yummy stuff, they are always so pretty!

Our sweet friend, Peggy

So, that is going to be taking up a major portion of my time until it happens at the end of the month.  Last night, Rob and I went to a big meeting at the high school that was a public meeting about the future uses of Lake Desmet.  I’m not going to bore everyone here about the details except to say that water is a very precious commodity here in Wyoming and there are some very opposing views about how it should be handled in the future out at the lake.  Right now, Sheridan County, who owns part of it, wants to do a 99 year lease with the Game & Fish for a bunch of acre feet and Johnson County thinks it’s a really bad idea and will prevent future industrial uses if we accept the proposal.  There were a lot of people at the meeting last night and I  imagine this discussion is far from over.

Today, we’ve got our first “Cash Mob” event here in town.  If you don’t know what that is, I’ll explain it a bit.  Once every 4-6 weeks, we are given the name of a business here in town and everyone converges on the business and goes in and buys something for around 10-20 dollars.  It’s sort of like a flash mob of dancers, only we are coming in to spend money.  We’re all starting today from 4:30 to 6:30 and cash mobbing Artful Hands.  I just can’t wait to see how this turns out.  In this economy especially, I think this is an awesome idea!  Other towns who’ve done this are learning that there are even lasting benefits to the small business owner, besides just the day of the sales.  It should get some people into some of the shops that don’t normally frequent them and hopefully, they’ll come back to shop on their own at a later time. I sure hope they cash mob our photography business one of these days!

I never did get over to see Rebekka yesterday.  First, she texted me in the morning and rescheduled me to come up in the afternoon because she got a last minute carpet job and then I got too busy with Peg’s stuff to make it over in the afternoon.  We’re going to try again today to get together.

Other than that, my day is pretty sane.  I may go insane, however, because I’m getting eaten alive by the insects outside and pretty soon I may not have many spots where there aren’t bites!  I’m one of those people who has a high normal temperature (which came in handy in school, they always thought I had the beginnings of a fever) and so I attract the bugs before anyone else does.  My normal temperature sits around 99.2, just perfect to attract mosquitoes.  So, I’m running around like a freak right now, scratching huge welts all over my arms and legs.  Believe me, I wear protection, but the little buggers manage to sink their teeth into me anyway. I’m afraid because of the extremely mild winter we had this year, we are in for a banner year for bugs.

Well, I’m just yakking now, aren’t I?  I hear the rumblings of Rob arising upstairs already so I better get this day started  I hope you have an exquisite day and everything just runs as smooth as glass for you.   Don’t forget to smile at a stranger today, you might be the only smile they get all day. They are free and do so much for the psyche.

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