Tuesday, June 19, 2012

pity me.....I are sick!

Sunset this weekend

I’m not one to complain but….yesterday turned itself on it’s little head for me and I ended up spending all day battling something ferocious! I was having a lovely morning yesterday, minding my own business, working on a bunch of stuff here on the computer for Rob when I was overcome by the nasty desire to just puke my guts up. This is really not a normal occurrence for me,  I am usually known for a cast iron tummy.  It takes a really nasty virus for me to start horking, folks.

Rob came home for lunch to find me passed out and luckily I had leftover sandwiches from the rodeo this weekend so he didn’t have to actually fix himself anything.  I just hate it when I don’t have things done for him because he works so hard. He kept insisting that I should call the doctor but I thought it best to wait and see if I was still sick today. So, after he left to go back to work, I just curled up in the great room with my trash can and blanket and my trusty Thistle and we spent the rest of the afternoon trying to sleep off whatever the heck this bug is.  I fear I may have caught something from one of the little ones that was here for the bbq over the weekend. Dang kids, gotta love em, but they sure are bug magnets, aren’t they?

I was amazed when Rob walked back in the house at 5 p.m. that I’d slept the entire afternoon.  I could have sworn that he had just talked to me a few minutes before, that’s how sick I felt. Luckily, I remembered that I was supposed to have puppy class and managed to text Barb that I would be unable to make it.  She texted me back and was asking me what the weather was like.  Well, yesterday afternoon, the winds kicked up something fierce and after talking to me, she decided it would be best to cancel class.  Trying to conduct a class in 35 mph winds would not have been easy! So, at least we didn’t miss anything due to my being sick. Rob managed to get a little noodle soup down me for dinner, the sweetie, before I passed out again.

The next thing I know, Rob is waking me up at 11:30 last night, trying to get me up to bed. After a little cajoling, he finally convinced me that I would be more comfortable upstairs and we all made it up there.  Walking up the stairs was not fun, everything was making me very dizzy, but I eventually made it. I don’t think I was awake more than 3 minutes up there before I was back into the deadman’s sleeping sickness mode, though.

This morning, I’m still feeling pretty darn rocky. I took some Compazine to hopefully stave off a repeat of yesterday.  If I don’t start feeling better by noon, I will indeed call the doc. As I said yesterday, I need bloodwork anyway, so it wouldn’t be a big deal to go see her. I haven’t had a fever but that’s nothing new.  Fevers are a response of the immune system and when your immune system doesn’t work right, you rarely have them. 

So, it’s back to the recliner today for me.  Let’s hope this is just one of those 24 hour bugs, which would mean I’m on the tail end of it, right?  If nothing else, I sure got my beauty sleep, I think I’ve slept 20 of the last 24 hours, already! Okay….I’ve been upright too long trying to write this. Ya’ll have a lovely day and I’ll talk to you on the other side of this!

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