Thursday, June 21, 2012

there's heat and there's Heat.....

The wildflowers are starting to get gorgeous!

I totally hit the ground running yesterday and it felt so good to feel better! I may have overdone it a tad, however.  You know how it is when you’ve been sick and languishing around the house for days, right?  When you finally start feeling well, you just want to go full throttle and get back up to speed!

My friend, Ginnie, stopped by to have a wrestling match with Thistle. No, really, she hadn’t been by in ages and Thistle was so excited that she just couldn’t control herself.  We had to keep throwing her into time-out because she just wouldn’t calm down.  No amount of cookies could keep all four paws on the floor, the little beast. Of course, she finally calmed down about the time Gin got ready to leave. It’s weird, she seems to do just fine with lots of people around, it’s when there’s only one person to focus on that she has a problem.

I got the rest of Buffalo pretty much papered in flyers for Peg’s benefit and picked up several more donations for the silent auction, in between the raindrops. Sagewood gave us a lovely gift basket with all kinds of goodies in it, including a lunch certificate, that should go over well.  Crazy Woman Liquors donated four bottles of wine, which Rob says he wants to bid on. I’m going to arrange them in a nice little wine rack, if I can find one.  Sherry called and left me a message that Aaron from Sheridan Media is going to do a story about the benefit, too! We’re cooking with gas, now! I also noticed that the Buffalo Bulletin put a nice little blurb in the paper about it.

Late yesterday, I figured out why Thistle has been getting more and more unruly over the past few days.  It appears she is finally going into her first heat.  I actually had to look it up on the internet to figure out what was going on because I’ve never let a dog do that before.  I’ve always gotten my dogs spayed at 6 months, regardless.  Leslie, my breeder, had suggested that we wait until she went through her first heat cycle before spaying her, though.  I have a feeling that we are in for a wild ride for the next 3-5 weeks.  I’m going to have to call the vet and find out exactly when I can schedule her for her spaying now.  I’m pretty much prepared for it, got her some cute little pants to wear and everything. What I’m not prepared for is her out of control behavior.  The stuff I read on the web kinda scared me. It was talking about never leaving her alone in the backyard and watching for male dogs trying to jump the fence. Oh boy! Just one more thing to make life exciting.  I’m sure we’ll all survive but Thistle’s little personality sure is changing for the moment. 

The weather is so much nicer today for the first full day of summer! Yesterday, it felt like fall around here, windy and rainy and I don’t think it got over 65 degrees.  Today, when I got up, it was already nice and warm and we’re expecting highs in the 80’s! Rob said it’s supposed to get to the high 90’s by Sunday! That will be awesome as we have Living History Days downtown this weekend.  It’s also the city wide garage sale weekend, although I really don’t participate in that.  I need to be getting rid of junk, not buying more. I still have to have a garage sale of my own but I like to wait until fall when there are fewer going on.

Today is going to be all about cleaning the house, I think.  Amazing how messy two people can make a house in a few days.  Of course, the worst thing is the dog hair everywhere at the moment.  Goldens have a big shed time right about this time of year and Thistle is no exception. I had been brushing her daily before I fell ill and still wasn’t keeping up with all the shed. One of the smartest things we did, though, was get rid of all our carpet and put in hardwood floors. It sure makes it easier to get up the hair!

I’ve also got Rebekka’s son, Colby, coming over to help with weeding in the garden today. He’s only 11 and quite the little entrepreneur.  When they were here for the bbq this past weekend, he was negotiating with me for odd jobs around the yard.  I admire that in a kid and so, today, I’ll get him out there and show him what needs to be done.  He’s so cute, though, at first he offered to weed the whole garden for $5.  That is way, way too cheap and I’m not going to take advantage of his lack of knowledge. 

Well, folks, I hope you have a fabulous day!  Get out there and enjoy this first whole day of summer.  I can’t believe the days are going to start getting shorter already.

“Laughter is the healer of all ills. Smiling is the balm that soothes and settles. Both are the medicine that sustains a life of joy. Laugh in the face of problems. Laugh in the path of insurmountable odds. Guffaw in the depths of the valleys, and celebrate with wide beams of sunshine streaming from your mouth when standing on the mountaintops.

Learn to laugh at yourself. Laugh when you triumph, and laugh when you trip. But don't laugh at the expense of others. Share jokes that lift. Watch comedies that lighten the load. See the funny side, and search for it if you have to, to discover another reason to always laugh.”~Dumb Little Man

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