Monday, June 11, 2012

maudlin monday.......

Spring flowers!!

It’s been a busy week around the Yingling household.  I spent a lot of time out gathering items from local businesses for the benefit we’re doing for our friend at the end of the month and it has really paid off.  Both Sherry and I have hit the pavement running on this one and we now think it’s going to be a really great event for her.  We’ve gotten promises from the grocery stores for the fried chicken and ladies all over town are going to be supplying the salads.  Sherry is lining up a bunch of musicians who are going to come in and jam during the benefit and we’ve both gotten lots of donations for silent auction items. I don’t know why it surprises me that we’ve already gotten so much, this town has the biggest heart when someone is in need. We’ve even got the new City/County engineer offering to cook a gourmet dinner for four as one of the silent auction items! 

Other than that, it’s been a very strange weather week.  We started out with nice warm weather and then it all seemed to turn back to almost winter towards the weekend.  I heard on the news that they actually had to close Beartooth Pass due to snow on Friday night! It didn’t get quite that cold here in Buffalo, but it was pretty darn chilly when I woke up Saturday morning, enough that both Thistle and I could see our breath.  At this rate, we may be waiting for the veggie garden to ripen forever! At least, that’s what Rob is grumbling about these days.  From past experience, I can pretty much guarantee that as soon as the calendar actually says “summer”, which will be June 22nd, we’ll hit the heat for good and all be complaining about how darn hot it is and the veggies will shoot up and catch up on all the growing they missed in this cooler weather. The important thing is that the city pool is now open and as soon as we have a nice hot day, I’ll be over there, swimming my laps again. 

Buffalo has one of the largest outdoor free pools in the region.  The pool is so big, it has Olympic lanes that goes across the pool, only taking up about a third of the pool.  Even on the hottest days, when everyone’s there, it doesn’t even appear crowded. A few years ago, they added a spray park for the little kids up on the pavement by the shallow end and it’s so much fun watching the little ones play in it. The only downside to the pool is that it is fed by the mountain streams and the water is not heated, except by the sun, so when you get in, you better be moving!

I really hope I’ll be feeling well enough to enjoy it this summer.  I figure, though, I can at least get in and do a few laps, no matter how bad I feel.  I know once I get in the water, I’ll feel better, anyway!  I’m a water baby, always have been, spending most summers near water, if I possibly can. My mom tells me she had me swimming before I really even learned to walk.

My health has not been so good lately and I’m getting a little frustrated about it. I’ve had a real hard time this go around sticking to my therapy to try to get these darn tumors to recede to a more manageable size.  It’s funny, the first time, I was so gung ho about eating exactly what I’m supposed to, but this time around, I’m really having trouble. It’s not the fresh fruits and veggies, I have no problem with that, it’s all the other stuff.  I’m tired of not being able to eat like everyone else. For some reason, my willpower is just not there. I know I have to buckle down and take this seriously but when you aren’t feeling good and you want “comfort” food, this stuff I have to eat doesn’t cut it. I need a new game plan before I waste away to nothing, I fear. I’ve been losing weight so fast, I bought a new pair of pants two weeks ago in a smaller size and they are already too big.  See, the problem is that I don’t really want to eat what I’m allowed and so I’m not really eating anything much at all.  The tumors are sitting so they push on my stomach and intestines now, so when I do eat something, I get full after a few bites and since veggies have almost no calories, I lose weight too fast. Also, the lack of calories are making me really tired, I think, and I spend a lot of time sleeping or just laying in my recliner, exhausted.

Of course, it could just be that I need time for it to all sort itself out, give the therapy time to do its magic and as soon as the tumors start receding, I’ll start feeling better and more inclined to eat. I know that Rob’s frustrated, too, though, and that bothers me.  I try so hard to stay strong for him because he worries so much.  He never actually says so, but we’ve been married almost 20 years and I know him pretty darn well. We just had a big discussion this weekend about the burdens of this big house we have now and how neither of us is getting any younger. If it were up to me, we’d downsize in a second, but he’s already talking about hiring help if I can’t continue to keep up with the household chores.  Now I know why people move into condos when they get older, what with all the outside work that a house entails, not even counting the inside work.  With our new addition on the house that we put on several years ago,  we have what’s equivalent to a 5 bedroom house and that’s a lot to clean when you aren’t feeling well. Rob can’t help with me it, either, because in addition to his full time county job, he has the two home businesses to run. If it weren’t for all my medical bills, we wouldn’t have to do all this.

Ack….sorry!  I went off the deep end this morning.  I don’t like to think about this stuff too often, it’s just too overwhelming.  Life will sort itself out, right? It’s best just to take it one day at a time, do what you can and leave the rest.  I really need to take my own advice and concentrate on what is good and wonderful in my life!

Rob and Thistle relaxing  in side yard after trimming lilacs

Speaking of which, Thistle and I will be starting obedience classes this evening with a bunch of other dogs and owners with Barb Walseth!  I had intended on doing solo classes with her in Sheridan but a bunch of other people wanted training and she got a class together that will be meeting here in Buffalo on Monday evenings, so that will save me time and money.  Let’s hope Thistle is ready to learn, I know I am!

Oh, I wanted to tell you...that first "Cash Mob" we did at Artful Hands went awesomely well! Lots of people   showed up and spent their $10-20 in the store and helped the business!  I got a really cute garden hat and a pair of capris, all for $18, so I did my part.  It was so successful, we're doing it again next month!

Well, have yourselves an awesome week.  Get out there and be kind to people, we’re all struggling with some demons. Big love and Light to you all.

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