Wednesday, June 20, 2012

sleeping my life away...

My favorite view of the mountains from I-90, coming into Buffalo

Gratefulness can sometimes be measured in very small things.  Today, I’m grateful that my stomach is no longer playing midnight sonatas to the rest of my organs, allowing us all to believe that whatever evil virus I contracted over the weekend has finally bid me goodbye! It has left me still a little weak and shaky, probably from lack of food, but I do believe the worst is over.

I think I slept more in the last few days than I have in weeks! I managed to stay up for a little while yesterday before Rob left for work, but as soon as he was gone, my recliner once again became my refuge.  Yesterday seemed to be all about sleeping and healing. I spent most of the day, wrapped up once again in my big moose blanket, dressed in sweats, reading some of my favorite Reiki books and thanking my lucky stars that I was on the tail end of this yuckiness.

Thistle’s been very understanding about the whole situation, which has been mildly surprising. She found lots of things to amuse herself with in the backyard over the last few days, coming in to show me, on occasion, what she’s found. Luckily, the biggest thing she found was too big for her to bring in the house.  We still can’t figure out where she found a rather large strip of deck siding, you know the lattice work stuff?  It’s about four feet long and a foot wide and has suddenly appeared in our back yard. Rob saw her with it on Monday and took it away from her, stashing it under our deck. There’s no way she can get under there, we have hinges so that we can get under there to get to things but long ago put rocks at all the openings so she can’t get through there.  So, yesterday, he gets home and she’s got another one! We checked under the deck to see if it was the same piece and nope, it wasn’t! That piece was still lying right where Rob chucked it.  We’re really scratching our heads over this now.

Granted, we’ve had some pretty wild winds over the last few days, but I just can’t see pieces of lattice work flying through the air and landing in our backyard.  We have a rather large piece of property and only share boundaries with one neighbor, our other boundary being a street. Take into consideration that most of our property is also surrounded by a 12 foot lilac bush hedge and you’ll understand why I’m a little puzzled.

Thistle patiently waiting for me to feel better so we can play

Anyway, Thistle’s been keeping herself amused and for the most part, staying out of trouble. Rob was such a sweetheart at lunchtime yesterday and stopped and got me a mango smoothie. I’m still not trusting my stomach enough for solid food.  He rewarded himself for his good deed by also picking himself up some hot dogs.  The smell of them almost sent me over the edge again but I was so grateful for the smoothie that I didn’t complain.

Today is going to be a much better day, I can feel it already!  Coffee even smells good again. The weather, however, is looking a bit ominous outside. It’s very dark and cloudy over the mountains and feels like we may be in for a storm. You can feel the thickness in the air, like a heavy, wet blanket.  We certainly need the moisture here, so I’m not going to complain.  It seems like a lot of the states around us and some of our own state’s forests are burning because of the high winds and dryness we’ve had, so if we get rain, perhaps it’ll save some trees.

Today, I’ll get back to putting up flyers and visiting businesses to get some more auction items for Peg’s benefit.  On Monday, Sherry took Peg to Billings for her follow-up appointment and they at least got some good news.  There’s no more infection in the areas where the drains were so they were able to take out one of the drains and also finally remove her staples.  They are going to leave in the other drain until they see her again next week because it is still producing a little. But, Lordy, she’s got to feel better with those staples out! They’ve been in her upper legs for over a month now.  Please keep my friend in your thoughts and prayers, she’s been through a lot, the poor dear.  We’re hoping that she’ll feel up to coming to the benefit herself by the end of the month.

Beginning to look like summer on the porch!

Well, folks, I hope you have an awesome day! Tomorrow is the first day of summer!! Life is amazing and so are you!

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