Monday, June 25, 2012

monday, again???

Rob and Mr Moose

Morning, Folks! Dang it, when the calendar says summer, we sure get to summer, don’t we? Rob and I just spent half the weekend out in the garden getting the last of the darn weeds out of the veggie garden and it was HOT!  The weatherman had said it was going to get up to 100 yesterday and thankfully it only got up to 98, according to my thermometer.  That was quite warm enough, thank you!

We had a wonderful weekend, though.  We decided to go up into the mountains on Saturday morning to try to get a few pictures before the spring wildflowers disappeared and were rewarded with a few glimpses of a couple of really nice bull moose. We were really quite surprised that we even spotted them because the mountain is already getting overcrowded (in our opinion) with campers and four wheelers.  One of the moose we found was no more than 200 yards from a rather large contingent of campers and I don’t think they even knew the big guy was there.  In Rob’s usual fashion, he patiently zigged and zagged his way to the moose until he was nice and close to take some pretty awesome pictures.  Mr. Moose seemed to be very intent on eating a rather juicy crop of willows and was a lovely subject for the morning.

I couldn’t believe how warm it was up there, too. Usually, it’s at least 20 degrees cooler up on the mountain, but this weekend it didn’t really feel all that cool up there. I don’t think the wildflowers are going to do much this year with all the crazy weather we have had.  Sure, there’s flowers up there, but not the gorgeous blossoming we’ve had in past years.

After photographing moose for a bit, we came back down into town for the Living History Days celebration down at the Gatchell Museum.  That’s always a lot of fun.  They have all kinds of 1800’s everyday life things set up, like a blacksmith and ladies with their spinning wheels and such.  The real reason Rob likes to go is that the Basque Club sells lukainka sausage at the festival. After he ate several of them, we headed back to the house though, because the heat was just getting darn right oppressive. I felt sorry for the folks that were there dressed in wool outfits and those heavy, long prairie dresses!

On Sunday, we arose early to try to beat the heat and get the last of those darn weeds out of the garden. I’m happy to report that we are now weed free for the moment!  All we have left to do is put down the last of the fabric in the garden to prevent weeds from returning and we can sit back and wait for the fruits of our labor to arrive.  So far, the only harvest we’ve got is radishes and kale but I have a feeling things will start producing quickly with this heat.  I have a whole cornucopia of salad stuff growing on my deck and we’ve been having nice fresh salad fixing for weeks now, yum! I planted butter lettuce in one of my pots back in the spring and I’m so glad I did, it’s just awesome.  Of course, I always have arugula going year round, either indoors or out, since no one in Wyoming seems to know what the heck that’s used for and puts it in little tiny containers to sell in the stores.  I eat the heck outta that stuff, putting it in salads, on my sammies, you name it, I just adore arugula.

Sherry and I are all ready for Peg’s benefit, which is this coming Saturday now!  We’ve been all over town, gotten lots of great donations and will be spending this week getting everything catalogued and ready for the silent auction.  I sure hope we get a nice turnout for her so we can help her with her living expenses. She’s off to Billings again today to see if she can have that final drain removed.  I sure hope she’s feeling well enough to come to the benefit herself. I think it would do her good to see how many people care about her. I have been overwhelmed and so happy myself at the generosity of the folks around here in donating items. I hear that she’s even been getting money donations in the mail from folks that won’t be able to make the benefit on Saturday.  Makes me proud to live here, I tell you!

Well, get out there and show Monday what you are made of! Have a fabulous week and make someone smile!

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