Monday, January 23, 2012

Monday, monday.....

Sigh…another Monday rears its head. What is it about Mondays that we fear/dread so much? Aren’t they full of promise? Don’t they signal a brand new week that could change our lives forever? So, why do we hate Mondays so much?

Well, first off, it signals the end of the weekend, I guess. And I do enjoy my weekends. It is nice having Rob home and underfoot. It’s my chance to spend some quality time with him. Monday morning, he puts back on that serious face that says he’s gotta be Mr. Planner and steel himself for the public.

But what happened to Monday being full of promise and renewal? I think I’m going to start trying to look at it from a different angle from now on.  I’m going to stop dreading it and start embracing it.  After all, my mantra is embracing life in all its ups and downs, why should I not embrace Monday?

I tend to start a lot of new promises to myself on Mondays, do you? If I need to exercise more or change some nasty eating habit, I always have to start on Monday. No other day will do. SO, this Monday, I am going to start appreciating Mondays!

Okay, no messing around, here? Today is my day to go tan in the morning at 9 a.m. That will feel good since it’s only about 14 degrees out.  That’s one good Monday thing! Then, I’m gonna go have coffee with one of my girlfriends afterwards who always gets me going into a sheer knockdown gigglefest every time I’m with her.  That will make Monday even more tolerable. Then, as long as some of the ice melts (we had a rare rain over the weekend that turned to ice when the temp plummeted after dark) on the streets, me and Miss Thistle, my 5 month old Golden Retriever, will take a nice long walk and see if we can’t run into some pretty mule deer to talk to down by Clear Creek trail and perhaps take a few minutes to listen to the ice cracking in the river. Oh and of course, we’ll have to chase a few squirrels for Thistle. 

After lunch, I have to get back to working on our taxes. Now this would normally send me into the Monday blues but with my new found LOVE of Mondays, I’m going to re-wire my brain and say to myself “You might just get a refund this year and the faster you slog through all this paperwork, the quicker you’ll know what’s coming or going to the IRS!” See, that won’t be so hard! (Do I sound convincing?)

Oh, and I have to go get a prescription for Ms Thistle.  The poor dear has been on antibiotics all but 8 weeks of her life.  She has a UTI, well, she’s had several since we got her from the breeder and will have to stay on antibiotics until we get her spayed because she was born with a little birth defect in her Hoo-ha that makes it sorta an “innie” instead of the normal “outie”  Poor thing is going to have to have surgery to remove the extra skin to keep her from getting more infections but we have to wait one more month.  The antibiotics have been costing us $95 every two weeks.  The Prescription shop was not amused when I tried to claim her as a dependant on my prescription insurance. Can’t blame a girl for trying.

Also need to go start shopping for some birthday presents. I don’t know how I did it but I have about 12 birthdays coming up of very close relatives and friends for the end of January and all of February.  With my new found love of Mondays, it’s a perfect day to start hitting the downtown shops!  I already have a few of the gifts.  One of my dear friends, Marchel Kelly, makes these awesome wrist warmers. You know how you always have that gap between your gloves and your jacket? Well, she’s made these awesome warmers, and they even have a insert that warms up inside and they are cute as can be.  Definitely sending a pair to our daughter, Jackie, in Chicago.

Okay, so, see….I’ve managed to come up with fun things to do for my first Monday That Will Be Fun Day!  And, to top it all off, I feel pretty darn good today.  Nothing is screaming at me, body-wise today, just the usual aches and pains.

SO, would you like to join me in this little experiment? I really think poor Monday gets a bad rap!  So, get out there and enjoy it. It’s the beginning of a new week and who knows, this could be the week that everything turns around for all of us. There could be a knock at the door, a phone call, who knows, that changes your life for the better…forever….

"Life whispers to us all the time… Find a quiet spot in the middle of the turbulence. Go to a quiet place within your soul and stay there for a short while. Do not rant and rave at the problem. Just go to this spot and let your fears be calmed, even for a moment. Don’t listen to the call of the problem but, rather, listen for a few seconds to the song of your soul."~ John Harricharan

1 comment:

  1. Happy Monday! As contrarian as I am, I declared Monday a fun day soon as I heard they were supposed to be bad!
