Saturday, January 28, 2012

...whiteouts can be magical

You ever have one of those days that is just magical? Yesterday was that way for me. It started out really nice. Had a Chamber coffee get-together downtown, which is always fun. We get together once a month, all of us business folk, and discuss what’s going on with the businesses in town.  This week we were all abuzz with the upcoming Winter Gathering. The “swag bags” that are going to be distributed at the gala were tucked in a corner of the room, all pretty and maroon.  I’m already starting to feel like a celebrity (even if it’s just a pretend one, for one evening). Then, we started talking about the big RMI meeting that’s coming to town, bringing hundreds of foreign tour operators to our little town.  Big things are going on in our little town! We have an awesome Chamber staff these days.  Angie and Rachel work so hard for our community and they love it so much.  It really shows.
The weather was being a bit magical yesterday, too.  Started off with 40-50 mph winds and a light sideways snow early in the morning when we headed to the Chamber coffee.  By the time I got back home at 9 am., I heard on the police scanner that there were whiteout conditions all over Buffalo! Unfortunately, there were several accidents up on the interstate due to the conditions.  The whiteout lasted about half an hour and as quickly as it blew in, it disappeared and there were our shining mountains and blue skies again!  Rob came and picked me up to go take his newly hired assistant, Jim, whose title will be County Planner and GIS Mgr, and family to lunch at Pistol Pete’s and as we are driving down Main Street, the white-out started back up again.  This seemed to be the order of the day….whiteout, clear blue sky, whiteout, clear blue sky… When it was all said and done last evening, we had quite a bit of snow but I think most of it is piled in a corner of the state due to the wind! We ended up with a lovely, crisp evening.

Yesterday afternoon, I went and helped Breean, Jim’s wife, check out the new house they just rented here in town.  It was so cool.  One of my dear friends, Susan, used to own it, and ran a bed and breakfast out of it.  It’s a 100+ yr old house with 5 bedrooms right on Main Street, gorgeous view, sits high on the hill.  I told Breean that it was all so awesome, we lived in the “sister house” to it that is on High Street that you can see from hers, when WE first moved here! They are exactly the same floor plan. Ours was once on Main but in 1911 was drug by draft horses to face High.  It was not in the shape that the one they are renting, however, she has the nicer house! They are just renting until their house in Basin sells and they can buy something here.

Jim and Breean have two awesome kids, Wylie and Wyatt, who are 6 and 4.  Now, I’m sure you may remember that I’ve always worked with kids, so this is heaven for me.  I spent all afternoon yesterday exploring closets and cubbyholes and chasing these two adorable toe-heads around. Wylie is the 6 yr old and she’s just a joy. Very smart…6 going on 15.  Wyatt is the 4 yr old and he follows us around, trying to keep up.  It’s obvious that they are very well mannered.  I can’t wait til March 1st when they are all moved in.  I know where I’ll be hanging out a lot this spring!

That took up my afternoon and got me right up to time to go to our famous Friday Happy Hour at the Moose Lodge.  We had quite a turnout this week. A bunch of people I hadn’t seen in a while showed up and a raucous discussion was had by all.

Just a magical day.  Might not sound like it to you, but I guess you had to be there. I find so much joy in the little pleasures of life these days.  When you don’t know what tomorrow will bring, you tend to do that.  I really do live each day as if it were my last.  You should try it sometime.  It’s like living under a lens that magnifies joy and somehow stamps out pain and sorrow.  You don’t have time to dwell on the petty crap. It just doesn’t  matter.

Here, you can borrow my lens, if you like…….

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