Sunday, January 29, 2012

one, two, three....Strut!

I thought it was the male of the species that was supposed to do the strutting? Isn’t it true in every species, pretty much? I know that it’s the male birds with all the pretty plumage, right?

So, do you want to tell me why I’m sitting here with stuff on ridiculous fingernails I applied, hitting all the *^%#@*^ wrong keys the morning before our big gala dinner?  I even filed these suckers down as far as I dared and I still feel like Eddie Scissorhands! This may be a very short conversation this morning! I can pretty much guarantee these fingernails will not be attached to me tomorrow unless I truly can’t get them off…or file them down to nubbins…..

Stop laughing! I am not a girlie girl. Oh sure, I like to dress in pastels in the summer and I like lace and flowing fabric but I’m not one for hair and make-up and nails. I used to be until I met Rob. He doesn’t like it at all. Says it distracts from natural beauty, the sweetheart. Once I stopped slathering that crap on, I realized he was right. Make-up settles in creases and makes you look older. Eye make-up…well, I’m gonna stick with Mom’s old saying  about “If you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything” The only make-up I wear is a little blush on my cheeks from time to time. As for my hair, I was born with the straightest hair on the planet…wouldn’t hold a curl if it had a widdle fist to grasp it. Lordy, I used to try to get perms and the darn things would fall out in 3 weeks. I don’t even have a bend in my hair. I’ve learned to keep my hair above my shoulders in a bob or very layered in a razor cut.   I’m a wash and wear kinda girl.  I don’t even know what to do with a curling iron except burn my ears! Poor Lynette, my hair stylist here in Buffalo, has a heck of a time with my styles, as I also have a cowlick at the crown of my head that likes to make my hair always go toward my face, too.  She's wonder woman with a razor and scissors! I don't know what I'd do without her!

Okay, I’m calming down now.  Thank goodness, someone is helping me today with all this fussy stuff. There will be pictures and I will look at them tomorrow and say “Who da heck is that?”

I tried on my dress last night and had to get Rob involved to zip up the last little bit of the back. When he walked into the room, I thought he was going to have a fit. “I hope you have a jacket!” he roared.  “You are showing way too much in that dress!”  Awwww, ain’t he sweeeet? I explained I have a nice silk pashmena (long scarf) to go over my bare shoulders and he said he wants me to wear it totally closed!!  Gotta love a man who still gets a little freaked out about his elderlyish, AIDS ridden wife possibly being attractive to other men.  I think it’s adorable. Nice ego boost, for sure.

Okay, well, I just can’t keep typing this morning, this has taken me almost an hour, I keep hitting number keys with the top of my nails and having to go back and fix this. I know you don’t want me to stop entertaining you with my antics but….this is exhausting!

I promise tomorrow to have all the juicy details of the biggest gala in Buffalo, complete with pictures, most of them will be on Facebook, however.  Rob is a photographer, after all. If any of you that read my blog are not friends with me there, I always welcome new friends! There are no strangers in my world, just great friends I haven’t met yet.

1 comment:

  1. I tried putting false fingernails on myself once. Put the left hand ones on just fine, then tried to put the right hand ones on using my left hand and found to my dismay that I could not even pick the darn things up! It was pitiful.
    Have a great time at the gala!
