Monday, April 2, 2012

Another beautiful Monday!

The Mountain Bluebirds are back!

Howdy, folks! Hope you had a grand weekend and got lots of fun stuff done. We have temporarily lost our beautiful weather here in Buffalo but that’s okay.  If we didn’t have a little nasty weather, we wouldn’t appreciate the good stuff, right?  It started out real nice yesterday morning, sun shining and all, but about 3 p.m. yesterday, the clouds started gathering and the wind picked up.  By dinnertime, we had a cold drizzle coming down and I had to close up the house.

I didn’t get a whole lot done yesterday as my allergies are still kicking my butt something fierce. Heck of a time to run out of my allergy medicine but luckily we are going to Sheridan today so I’ll be picking up my prescription first thing! I spent most of yesterday with my left eye watering and my left nostril draining…weird.  Everyone is saying this is gonna be a bad allergy season and it is sure shaping up that way! Rob had a sneezing attack before bed last night and I made him take some alka seltzer plus before he went to bed, he was so bad.  Of course, he was out in the yard all day and I’m sure that didn’t help.

We had a heck of a time getting a plastic bag out of the crabapple tree yesterday afternoon.  The darn thing has been there for months and of course, was all the way in the top branch.  We tried tying long poles together, we even made a makeshift noose and all we did was manage to get that caught in the tree, too!  Finally, we brought out the huge ladder and I held it while Rob climbed up as high as he dared and we just lopped off the branch.  I wish I’d been filming the whole scene because it was pretty hilarious.  I’d like to get my hands on the person who invented plastic bags, I swear. I keep tons of those recyclable cloth bags in my car for shopping as I don’t want to contribute to the problem.

The police scanner crackled to life about 4:30 yesterday afternoon with news of an 18 wheeler that had plunged into Mosier Gulch on Highway 16 coming down the mountain again. From the news reports, it sounds like he burned through his brakes.  Witnesses said they saw smoke coming from his truck as he was unsuccessfully attempting to pull off the road. The spot where he went over is extremely steep and he did not survive.  It’s too bad he didn’t think to take the emergency truck ramp before attempting that curve.  It seems we have at least one fatality at that spot every year. I don’t think people realize that from Powder Pass, which is about 25 miles from town, it is a decline all the way into town.  It’s just so sad when this happens. Every year the highway dept puts up more and more warning signs about the steepness and curvatures and it still happens.

Today, we’re going to Sheridan so Rob can get his knee looked at.  It was pretty swollen when he went to bed last night.  I sure hope Dr Quinn has some ideas to help it so Rob can enjoy our vacation without too much pain. It would be a bummer if it’s hurting him too much to enjoy all the hiking we have planned down in Arizona

Speaking of doctors, I finally got all my medical records from Billings. Oh my goodness, it’s thicker than a phonebook!  I had requested all my records so I have everything for these clinical trials I am trying to get into.  I was able to find that they have already tested me for the HLA-B*57 marker that they are looking for in the NIH trial.  I don’t have it, unfortunately, so I’ll be calling Seattle on Tuesday  to see what I need to do to get rolling on the stem cell transplant trial. I figure if I call and start things rolling before we leave on vacation, that will give me time to really think over and decide if this is something I’m going to be willing to do. It’s a huge step to be taking and I’m pretty nervous.  For one thing, I’d have to be away from Rob and from home for at least three months.  But, after reading all of my chart, including the pages and pages of resistance testing they did eight months ago, I think I’m just going to have to bite the bullet and give it a whirl.  One of my girlfriends was treated for a very serious cancer at this same Center about a year ago and they did amazing work for her and really took good care of her.

Bluebird on Hazelton Road last summer...there's babies in the box!

Geez, I was just reading back through what I’ve written and I sound like doom and gloom and that’s not my intention!  Life is pretty darn amazing, folks and I am so grateful for everything I have. Allergies and limping husbands are just part of life’s little annoyances and no reason to get all upset!  I don’t want you to think that I am ruminating on the less than happy things, by any means.  Life just has its ups and downs, that’s all. I am really doing awesome considering….especially after reading my medical chart, I feel very blessed.  It’s almost otherworldly to read that chart and realize that it’s me they are talking about. I always joke to people that I’m “dead on paper” and after reading all that stuff, I can truly say that now.  But, I am not defined by what the medical profession sees with their microscopes and lab work, now am I? I truly believe you are as healthy as you set your mind to be. 

I also believe that just as you can will yourself to die (I’ve seen a lot of people do that), you can will yourself to stick around. I decided a long time ago that my job was to stay alive and to stay happy and I have no intention of doing anything less.  I am forever grateful to my husband who adheres to the same philosophy, too.  If he sees me sitting around moping, he gets me up and moving again, the dear heart.  I couldn’t ask for a better partner in life. Sorry if I’m getting a little sentimental but I have my needlestick anniversary coming up in a few days and it always makes me a little sappy.  April 4th  will be 21 years since that fateful day.  There’s one more person who is keeping track that I feel such pain for, too… the nurse who accidently stuck me.  I know, just like tomorrow is Tuesday, that there will be another letter from her in my mailbox this week. She writes me every year on the anniversary to see how I’m doing.  In return, every year I call her and tell her how wonderful I am doing. 

Anyway, I hope you have a fabulous day and a wonderful week.  Count your blessings, no matter how small they may be.  There’s always something good going on, even in the midst of chaos and always, always a reason to smile!

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