Monday, April 30, 2012

Yee haw..another week!!


Despite yesterday’s yucky weather, Rob and I managed to get outside and get some things done! At first, we were sitting around grumbling that there was nothing we could do outside because it was still nasty and gray and cold but I decided that it was the perfect time to get out there and start pulling weeds.  The compost we get comes from the landfill and has all kinds of weed seeds in it and the recent moisture had made everything sprout. What better time to weed the flower garden than right after the rain/snow?  So, for hours, I was out there, lost in thought, pulling tiny weeds and really having quite a good time. 

Around late afternoon, the sun finally decided to come out and so did Rob.  We got all of our dahlias re-planted as well as our eryngium and a few other bulbs.  Last year, the darn dahlias put out so many babies, we still have a few bulbs left over, despite putting them everywhere we can possibly think of!  I even put them in pots as one of my girlfriends raises all of her dahlias that way.  These dinnerplate dahlias we have get 3-4 feet tall so you can’t just plop them anywhere.  It’s going to look fabulous when they all bloom, though!  The flower garden is sure looking awesome.  My euphorbia, which is usually a dinky little plant, although beautiful, is just massive this year with the mild winter!

I know, I’m such a plant geek, but both Rob and I just love flowers so much.  There’s nothing better than walking up and seeing all those pretty smiling flowers to put you in a great mood, no matter where you’ve spent your day! I like my front yard to look really inviting and full of color.  I’m also one of those people who pinch dead flowerheads off plants when I walk by, even if they aren’t mine.  I’ve been known to spend quite a bit of time downtown, going up to storekeepers flowerpots on the sidewalk and deadheading their arrangements. It’s a compulsion I don’t have a lot of control over.


I have no idea what I’m going to do today and I’m really liking that! I was so productive over the weekend, I have all my chores done pretty much.  I do have a few phone calls to make but that won’t take me too long.  Thistle and I really need to get out for a nice long walk and I think I’ll make that a priority today.  I do have to get the oil changed in the Freestyle at some point this week, I guess I could also take Thistle along and we could kill two birds with one stone, right?

This is medical procedure week, too.  Tomorrow is Rob’s knee surgery and I’m hoping he flies through his as well as I did mine.  On Friday, I’m scheduled for a biopsy myself.  I had a bad smear at my last “well woman” visit and I’ll be getting that taken care of then.  I’m trying not to get too nervous about it as I’ve had cancer there before.  The nurse I spoke with said that the smear showed “diffuse abnormal cells” so we’ll see.

Unlike other people, cancer just doesn’t scare me much these days.  After my last big scare with the retroperitoneal liposarcoma, it takes a lot to make me nervous.  Those were huge 6 centimeter tumors and I managed to get them under control without chemotherapy, just by modifying my diet and exercise and a lot of positive thinking.  Just so you don't think I'm crazy, this was all under the supervision of a oncologist, though. After all, cancer cells are nothing but fast growing cells, there’s nothing inherently evil about the little buggers.  They just cause trouble when they start crowding out healthy stuff.  I have managed my health for so many years by having a positive outlook that I have really come to believe that’s 99% of the battle.  The other 1% is actually following orders when someone tells you to do something.  So many of us think of the minor inconvenience the doctors place on us to get better and blow it so out of proportion! My job these days has been to stay alive and I think if everyone looked at life that way, we’d all be a lot healthier.  A cheeseburger just isn’t worth my health, ya know?  After living with all this stuff for so long, and doing so much research, I know that sugar and animal fat seem to feed cancer cells so I don’t eat them anymore, simple as that! I have several friends who have pretty major problems, healthwise, but they refuse to do anything about them, continuing to “party”, whether it be with booze or food, and then they can’t figure out why they never get better.  To me, it just seems so simple.  Especially the alcohol part!  Alcohol changes your absorption of food and nutrients, don’t you think it changes other things in your body?  Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean it’s good for you.  That’s why I only drink once a week and I’m really adamant about it, no matter how much my friends try to get me to imbibe more frequently.

Oops, I got on my soapbox, didn’t I?  Anyway, so this week is a bunch of medical crap and we will do just fine. As soon as this stuff is over, I have to call my family doc again, too, as I’ve been having a bunch of stomach problems, too.  I guess it’s time for a bunch of testing again.  Such a bummer to be a sicko all the time but it sure keeps me busy!

Well, folks, get out there and make this one heck of a week!  Show the world how great you are and if you get a chance, make someone smile today!

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