Sunday, April 1, 2012

sneezing into Sunday....

The Meadowlarks are back!!

Wow, what a busy weekend!  The Business Expo is all over and done with and it was very nice. We didn’t have the crowds we usually do as it was just too darn gorgeous here in Buffalo this weekend.  It actually hit 82, yesterday!

There were almost 50 vendors at the Expo and everyone had all kinds of neat stuff and lots of giveaways. I even won the basket giveaway from Amy at the Longaberger booth.  Thanks, Amy! We had a lot of fun being next to the St Francis Animal Shelter’s booth, too. They brought a couple of their shelter cats for everyone to play with as well as two of their adorable dogs.  I believe the two dogs got adopted, so it was a great day for them!  The Big Horn Radio Network was there, broadcasting yesterday and entertaining us with music and big giveaways, as well. I think everyone had a really great time. One of the most interesting conversations I had was with Billie Little who told me she has bought the Rock Shop business and will be opening that to showcase her jewelry at some point. I think she told me she's going to wait until after State Fair to open as she always has a booth there. I have gotten some incredible jewelry from her and can't wait for her to open her own place. She even offered to let us showcase our photos when she opens.

After getting home from the show yesterday at 3, Rob spent the rest of the afternoon outside in the sunshine while I slept the afternoon away. I’ve been fighting something, still not sure what it is, although I suspect it may just be a really bad allergy season.  I’ve had a bad headache for days now and my eyes are really itchy and scratchy.  I was pretty comatose all evening, for the most part, only getting up long enough to fix Rob some dinner and then falling back asleep almost immediately.  Poor Rob has got to be tired of looking at me sleeping all the time.

I can tell you that Thistle is sure glad that the Expo is over. I think that’s the longest she’s been left in her kennel since we got her.  I would have loved to have brought her along and left her in the car so we could have her with us but it was just too warm.  Today, I’ll spend lots of time with her to make up for it.  Luckily, dogs have short memories, right?

I have no idea what Rob has planned for us today.  I have been so focused on the Expo, I really haven’t thought about what comes next.  The next big thing is vacation, which we can now say is next week. We leave a week from Thursday!  So, it’s time to pull out all the vacation clothes and start packing stuff up!

Tomorrow, we have to go to Sheridan. Rob is now having trouble with his knee. I think he’s torn his ACL and I told him he needs to see my orthopedist, Dr Quinn, before we go on vacation to see if there’s anything he can do to help.  Poor baby, his knee is all swollen.  We’ve got a lot of hiking to do on this trip and I’m hoping the doc has some ideas to help him until we can get back from vacation and get it properly fixed. I’m really surprised, actually, that this is the first time he’s got a knee problem. He’s been playing racquetball for over 30 years and that’s really hard on your knees.  Right now, he’s been wearing my hard brace on it to keep it stabilized. Kinda ironic, I get mine fixed and his goes, eh?

Well, I’m off to the mundane work of laundry and housecleaning, ugh! Hope your weekend is going awesome and you are having a great time!!

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