Thursday, April 26, 2012

Thermopolis bound, baby!

Thermopolis Springs "source", water is boiling coming out of ground

Morning, all!  Hope everyone is ready to have a fantastic Thursday!  I know I sure am. Anytime I get to go to Thermopolis is a good day in my book!  Yesterday was just a whirlwind of activity and I felt like I was passing myself several times as I went about trying to clean up from vacation and prepare for this morning’s trip.  There just doesn’t seem to be enough time in a day, I swear.

We managed to get everything done in Sheridan in record time yesterday.  Our first stop was Sheridan Seed to pick up all our veggie seeds so we can plant the garden the second week in May.  Then, we had to stop by the Verizon store because Rob’s cell battery was on its last legs. I think the drain it got from constantly searching for signals on vacation just finally overwhelmed the poor bugger.

That got us right up to the time to go for Rob’s pre-op appointment at the hospital.  It was all going smoothly until the phlebotomist showed up.  After exclaiming what nice veins Rob had, she proceeded to dig and root around, unable to get enough blood.  Rob is used to the great gals at the VA, who are real pros, and started getting mouthy with this girl.  Finally, she gave up and got it from another vein.  I always feel guilty when I see a bad stick, must be a nurse thing.  Rob grumbled for at least half an hour after we left the hospital!

We then had to stop at Shipton’s and pick up our onion sets.  Don’t ask me why Sheridan Seed doesn’t carry those, weird eh?  Anyway, the rest of the morning was just Walmart and lunch.  We screeched back into Buffalo by 12:15, which was a record, I think.

Rob and I traded vehicles for the afternoon so I could go take his truck to the car wash and get all the red dust off it from Moab.  It was everywhere!  It took me forever to do the inside, it was a red dusty mess!  I took Thistle along and you should have seen her inside the automatic carwash!! She was a hoot, chasing the water sprayer back and forth from inside! The funniest part was when the purple soap splatted all over, though, she was actually trying to bite it off the windshield.  Ah, never a dull moment in the life of a dog!

One of the Mineral Springs, in winter, frozen water showing

So, we’re headed off to Thermopolis in about an hour.  I’m almost packed back up and ready.  Thistle will really enjoy this trip.  I just found out that Jim and Breean are dropping their kids off in Worland to spend the night with their grandmother.  That means Breean and I will be able to have a peaceful time soaking!  We’ll be back to Buffalo just in time for Happy hour on Friday.

Hope you all have a fantabulous day. Count your blessings, one by one, see all the beauty around you!

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