Tuesday, April 10, 2012

keep me away from knives!

Outside Sedona, AZ

Another whirlwind day in the tiny metropolis of Buffalo! Gosh, it’s only Tuesday and already the days are starting to meld together. I just had to stop and think what day it was!  I really do need a vacation, I think.

We managed to get everything done in Sheridan yesterday morning and get back in plenty of time to also get things done here.  On the way over there yesterday, the mountains were just so gorgeous with that new little blanket of snow we got Friday.  The sun was hitting them and really making it reflect nicely on the ragged peaks.  Of course, all the snow is long gone from our elevation down here.  After Rob’s VA appointment, we stopped and had a nice breakfast over in Sheridan at the Country Kitchen before wading through the throngs at Walmart for the last of our necessities for the trip. We also had to stop at Shipton’s Big R and pick up a bag of dog food to take over to the kennel for Miss Thistle.  While we were there, we got her a big ole kong football looking thing to play with. It’s got a really loud squeaker that I can tell is really going to drive me crazy.  She’s being super hard on her toys right now so we’ve had to forgo the cute fuzzy toys for awhile as she’s gutting out all the stuffing and leaving then all over the house.  So, it’s hard toys for the little lady for the moment until she calms down a bit.

I also had to pick up some more vet tape while we were there.  That stuff is great. I am allergic to adhesive tape and can’t wear bandaids so I use vet tape when I cut myself, instead.  It just sticks to itself. I had cut a really nasty spot on my thumb last week, right into my thumb nail and will have to keep it covered for quite some time. Unfortunately, they were out of the smaller tape and I had to get the size that’s designed for horses.  I love that stuff, did I say that? It comes in all kinds of cool colors. I got lavender this time.  When we got home, I took out one of my sharp kitchen knives to cut the tape into four pieces of more manageable proportions and guess what I did?  I sliced right through my index finger!  So, now I look like a total dummy!  I have both my finger and thumb wrapped in purple tape on the same hand!  Rob got home and saw what I did and was just shaking his head and laughing.  He knows what a darn walking accident I am. At least it’s my left hand and won’t get in the way of me taking photos later in the week. Geez, what a dork!

Man, this allergy season is really turning into something else.  I’m sitting here right now just sneezing and blowing my nose like crazy.  This seems to be turning into a regular morning ritual lately.  They aren’t kidding when they say allergy meds lasts 24 hours, I guess. I think it’s more like 22 hours.  I’m pretty much fine all day except my eyes are itchy most of the day but in the morning, it’s an all out assault on my nasal passages until that next pill starts working. I was watching the news last night and they were once again saying that this has been the warmest March in the country since they’ve been keeping records.  The powers that be are very concerned about what’s in store for us weather wise for the summer.  I sure hope we get some more moisture here in the Bighorns.  Otherwise, our fire season is going to be really scary.  We have already had a few days where there were several fires out on the prairie.  If the forest service has any brains, they won’t be doing any more controlled burns this year.  That huge fire that got out of control outside Denver a few weeks ago was a controlled burn that got out of hand.  I have a funny feeling they are going to have campfire restrictions this summer.  That would be a bummer because who wants to go camping without a fire? I know I don’t. Of course, I’m not much of a camper these days, anyway.  I used to love it but I’m getting too used to my creature comforts now. We have a pop-up tent camper but for the last few years, we’ve only managed to get out camping once or twice a year.  For one thing, there’s always too much gardening to be done around here.  Since Rob almost always goes on a pack trip with one of his outfitter clients, he gets his fill of camping that way, too.  He usually goes on a week long horseback pack trip at some point in the summer. I love it when he does that because I get a week to myself to entertain my girlfriends and watch chick flicks! Of course, this year, Bob Sundeen has told him to put in for his hunting area for elk over near Meeteetsee for the fall and that may be his only pack trip this year.  If he draws a tag for that, he’ll be gone for a week in October on horseback in the snow.

Well, I’ve rambled on long enough and I do have a lot of things yet to do this morning.  I have one last tan before vacation scheduled for today.  Hopefully, that will be the last box tan I have to do for the summer. I’m hoping by the time we get back from vacation, I’ll be able to sun myself on the deck instead or catch my required rays while walking Thistle.

The town of  Sedona!

Today, I’ll be calling and visiting all my girlfriends to say farewell before we leave as tomorrow I have to take Thistle to her “spa” over in Sheridan and get things downstairs in anticipation of our 5 am departure on Thursday!  Poor Rob has a mountain of Planning and Zoning Commission meetings all day today. I’ll take my day over his, thank you.

Have yourself a wonderful Tuesday, folks!

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