Wednesday, April 25, 2012

whirlwind Wednesday!

Arches National Park in the morning

Howwdy! (Did that sound like Minnie Pearl in your head?)  Hope you are ready for a wonderful Wednesday, folks!  I’m trying like heck to get back into the habit of writing but I’m still in the middle of these darn trips and as usual, things are a little rough when you return from vacation. I think I did more laundry than my girlfriend up the street with her four kids in the last day, I swear. 

We discovered Monday evening that we forget to turn off and remove the outside faucet on one side of the house last fall and much to our dismay that water pipe evidently froze and burst over the winter! Somehow, it really didn’t lose much water out of there, thank goodness and it is over the dirt part of our basement (parts of our house are 100 yrs old).  The plumber yesterday said it was thanks to the fact that there’s a good slope going to the outside.  Anyway, any thought I had about having extra money left over from vacation probably went flying out the window when I called the plumber yesterday!  Rob is walking around with his head down, it’s his job to make sure the water is taken care of in the fall.  So, I am behind today, even more, as I had to wait around for the plumber all day yesterday.

Today, I’m taking him for his pre-op in Sheridan for his knee surgery.  I think it’s just hilarious that he has to have the same exact surgery I just did.  His knee doesn’t seem to be giving him near as much trouble as mine did before surgery, so I’m hoping he bounces back even better than I did.  He never complained while we were on vacation and I didn’t notice him limping at all. Of course, when he has his camera in his hand, the world could be on fire, and he wouldn’t notice.  Anyway, his surgery is Monday and we’ll see how that goes!  He doesn’t have any arthritis in his knee, which is good, so I really do think he’ll recover very quickly.

Of course, while we’re in Sheridan, we’ll have to get groceries, the house cupboards are bare after vacation.  I made the mistake yesterday of thinking the milk might have survived…..not!

Tomorrow, we have to go to Thermopolis for Rob’s yearly spring conference with the WY Plannners Association.  I just love this conference because it’s in Thermop!  If you are ever out this way, it’s one of the stops you really need to make.  They have the world’s largest mineral hot springs.  There are several private places you can go to that have 5 or 6 pools each with slides and vapor caves and then there’s the free pools at the park.  The Days Inn, where we stay and the conference is held, has its own hot mineral pools, too.  You get used to the sulphur smell real fast because the water is just so wonderful.  The Native American tribe that runs the pools, the Arapahoe, have lots of stories of their healing powers.  Many a time, I’ve gone there with skin problems, only to have them disappear almost immediately in the water.  Just be sure to remove any silver jewelry as it will turn black as night in the water from all the minerals.  It cleans back up but boy can it scare you when you see a favorite piece of jewelry turn all those funky colors!

This time will be even more fun because Jim and Breean will be joining us.  Remember, Jim is Rob’s new co-planner at work and Bree’s his wife.  She and her two kids are coming along so I’ll have some people to pal around with while Rob’s in his meetings.  Of course, I also get to bring Thistle because the Days Inn allows pets. I can’t wait to see what she thinks of the sulphur smells, too. 

Speaking of Miss Thistle, we’ve been working on her manners since getting her back from Barb. Yesterday, I had the plumber and another friend come over and we worked on Thistle not jumping on people when they first get into the house.  She is just so excited when she sees new people, she just wants to love all over them!  Well, now that’s she’s 60 pounds, she can knock people over easily.  So, yesterday, we practiced what Barb taught us and she did really well!  It only took her a minute or two to calm down for both of them and I was really proud of her.  I’ve been calling all my friends and telling them that we’re training now and that things will be a little different until she learns her manners.  I’ll be calling Barb today to set up lessons so we can meet twice a week to get her nice and mannered before we go to Alabama at the end of the month. Thistle doesn’t mind her training, of course, because she gets treats! 

Thistle is back to her "spot" with Rob in the mornings

My friend that came over was here because I’m going to be performing her wedding!  Yes, you heard me right!  Some time ago, I got ordained as a minister and my friend Beckie and her fiance will be my first wedding!  I’m really excited and so is Beckie.  I think it’s very appropriate that the first ceremony I do is for one of the people in Buffalo I’ve known almost since I moved here.  Yesterday, I gave her several samples of wedding vows and now I’m just waiting to see which she chose.  The wedding will be in a couple of weeks.

Well, I’ve rambled on enough today.  Just to let you know, I seemed to have finally kicked my 4 a.m. waking problem with the help of vacation, so my writings may not all come in the early morning anymore but I will still be writing as regularly as I can.  I hope you all have a fantastic day and find something wonderful to sustain you!!

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