Tuesday, April 3, 2012

more surgery....

Sheep Mtn Lookout Fire Station in Bighorns

Wow, I actually slept until 5:45 this morning! I think the world may come to an end on that note! Holy mackerel, what happened? Sure felt good, I gotta tell you.  I did a few double takes when I woke up and saw the clock this morning. Especially since I have been waking up closer to 3:00  just about every morning for the past week, this was a really wonderful treat this morning!

Yesterday was a really busy day in Sheridan.  First thing was Rob’s appointment about his wonky knee.  It was fun having him go to Dr Quinn, medicine boy, for the first time as a patient.  I have been telling him for years that Quinn is really good but has no sense of humor or evidence of personality but I think, secretly, Rob thought he was the one who could change all that, if only given a chance.  So, he trots…okay, he limps in there, armed with his humor and the fact that they both play racquetball, thinking he’s going to get a conversation going with the doc while he gets examined.  He came back out with the same weird expression the rest of us do.  Rob said he mentioned how he injured his knee playing and Quinn just let it slide. Now, I know for a fact that Quinn plays racquetball three times a week with two other docs!  Anyway, Rob also came out with orders for an MRI and a very large bruise on his right thumb where he had a cortisone injection.  He’s had a problem with “trigger thumb” for some time now and remembered to mention that.  That’s where your tendon in your thumb gets wonky and starts slipping back and forth across the bone.  I sure hope that shot helps him because it looks like the shot was very painful! He has a big purple bruise surrounding his whole thumb from the shot! He said Quinn had to move the needle around a lot to get it where it was needed....yuck!  

So, we had an hour to kill before Rob got his MRI and we headed off to do a little shopping. We had to get a new camera bag for Rob as his old one is falling apart and he’s having trouble getting all his equipment in it since I got him his new camera and lenses for xmas.  Man, those things are not cheap, let me tell you!  I guess they charge you by the compartment.  I let Rob go in the camera store by himself while I took Thistle for a walk.  We brought her along on the trip because we weren’t sure how long we were going to be in Sheridan and it’s a good thing we did because we spent almost the entire day there. Thistle was being a wild woman in the field behind the camera store.  It was a pretty chilly day and the wind was whipping around pretty hard.  That girl just loves the wind!  The time flew by while Rob was in the store as I felt like I was herding ten dogs instead of just one. I usually bring her harness to walk her as it’s easier to control her but I just had her lead yesterday and she was pulling me just about everywhere!

At 11:30, we headed back to Quinn’s office for Rob’s MRI.  The results showed that Rob has a torn medial meniscus, just like mine was a month ago.  I swear, that boy is such a copycat!  Because we have three trips scheduled, there’s a small window that he can get it fixed and still be okay to travel so he’s getting it fixed on May 1st.  We’ll be gone til April 24th on our vacation and then we have a WYOPASS conference in Thermopolis on the 26-28.  We’re also planning to go see my family in Alabama  for my birthday in May and will be leaving for that on the 22nd of May.  So, that gives him a good three weeks to recover.  I don’t think he’ll need that long, if my recovery is any indication.  His MRI was much better than mine, no evidence of arthritis in the knee, so I think he’ll recover quickly and be back to normal in no time.

By the time we got to lunch, we were famished as we are used to eating early and it was almost 1 p.m. by the time we hit the Dragon Wall.  Of course, any time we go to Sheridan, I have to stop and get whatever groceries we need at Albertson’s and Walmart, so we didn’t get back to Buffalo until almost 3:30.  I had forgotten it was the first of the month and that’s the worst time to hit Walmart because all of the geezers have just gotten their social security checks and they clog the aisles like snails on a rotten root. I usually try to avoid the stores until after the 5th of the month, if I can. Walmart evidently never catches on to this first of the month phenomenon since they never have enough cashiers working, either.  The old folks are chatty, though, and make the time pass quickly in line by starting up conversations with me.

Pronghorns in spring flowers

Today is going to be a nice leisurely day for me in comparison.  I have my bi-weekly massage with Carmen this morning.  Thanks to Joey, my PT guy, my shoulders and neck are doing much better so I’m looking forward to a great massage.  This will be the last one before vacation, luckily, I’ll only miss one while we’re gone and get right back on schedule. 

This afternoon, I’ll be calling that clinical trial in Seattle to get things rolling.  I am dreading that phone call as I just know they are going to ask for all kinds of paperwork I’m going to have to track down.  I’ve been trying to think of all the stuff they need and have it up front, but I’m sure I’ve missed something. Maybe I’ll get lucky and all they’ll want is for me to sign some forms and they’ll be able to get most of the stuff themselves, but I doubt it.  Things are rarely that easy!

Hope you al have a fantastic day!  I know I am since I’ve actually had enough sleep for once! Amazing what a couple of extra hours can do for you!  I’m really hoping that I get out of that horrible sleep pattern while we’re on vacation.  I’m planning on hiking myself ragged so that I have no choice but to sleep later!

Now go out there and show the world who’s boss today!

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