Monday, April 9, 2012

The countdown begins!

Cool wagon out by Banner, WY

It’s vacation week!!  I think I’m gonna bust open like a watermelon with excitement! We had a very busy weekend getting everything all packed up and ready. I think Rob has half the house going with us. No, I’m only kidding, but he really isn’t the most efficient traveler I know. He’s one of those that has stuff for absolutely every contingency, remember I told you he was a planner?  Every time we go on a trip, we have a little scuffle over what we’re taking because he wants to pretty much take the kitchen sink, just in case we need to do dishes, and I just want to take the clothes on my back and a vehicle.  He always wins the scuffle and we end up taking a lot of stuff we don’t use, but who knows, one of these days we just might, right? You’d think after all these years, I’d learn to keep my mouth shut and just go along with it.

Rob and I also got the rest of the yard duties done this weekend. We took a bunch of stuff out to the landfill and Rob actually mowed the lawn for the first time this year.  I can’t believe we needed to do that already! What a wonderfully bizarre spring we’re having around here. That snow dump we had a few days ago did not seem to damage any of the tender young plants that were coming up and for that I am so grateful!  Even the cherry blossoms on the bushes seems to fare okay and are still attached and flowering. The lilac hedge seems no worse for the snow, either. I was really worried that we wouldn’t be seeing any lilacs this year after that cold and snow. It got down to 26 that morning and I thought for sure it froze the little buds on the hedge.

I have done all the deep cleaning in the house and all the laundry’s done, as well.  Today, we have to make one more trip to Sheridan for Rob’s VA appointment and while we are there we’ll get the last of the stuff for the cooler.  Since we’ll be spending a lot of time in state and national parks,  I want to make sure I have lunch makings to take along as I can never find things to eat in those places.  It’s always just high priced junk food and my diet doesn’t allow me to eat that crap. 

I hope everyone had a nice Easter and beginning of Passover, whichever one you celebrate.  We called all of our relatives back east and had nice conversations.  One of Rob’s sisters, Debby, unfortunately, is battling a really bad case of shingles right now.  It is all over her neck and on her eyelid. Gosh, how awful that must be.  I used to get shingles on a regular basis starting back in 1998, right before we moved here. I got it on my hip that first year and ended up in the hospital as it turned into cellulitis that year.  That’s a staph infection in the dermal layer of your skin.  For 7 years after that, I got shingles every spring, it was just awful.  One year, I got it on my face, like Debby.  Of course, that was the year our daughter got married and I was in the wedding with my face covered in blisters. Luckily, that case wasn’t too bad.  The virus itself is bad enough but then, you have to deal with the residual nerve pain for anywhere from six months to a year afterward.  I now take medication every day for the rest of my life to try to keep from getting it back.  Poor Debby just sounded miserable.

Well, it’s an early morning today to get Rob to the VA. His appointment is at 8 am so we need to get moving already.  I hope you have a wonderful Monday!

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