Monday, February 27, 2012

D-day, Knee day....

Professional loungers

I sure woke up early this morning, let me tell ya! I can’t quite figure out why that happened. I had a really super busy day and was dog tired last night.  I swear I only fell asleep for a few minutes during CSI Miami, so I can’t blame the early rising on that. I must be more nervous about my surgery today than I think.

We are expecting a dump of snow later today. Luckily, it’s not supposed to start until I’m already over in Sheridan getting my surgery.  We’re taking Miss Thistle with us today, just to be on the safe side in case we can’t make it back to Buffalo. As I’ve said, she loves riding in the truck and is quite good at just hanging out.  Thistle will give Rob something to do so he’s not just ruminating over what’s going on with me.

Yesterday, we had Rob’s new Co-planner, Jim and his wife and his brother, over for breakfast since they are moving into their new home. Jim seems to have “hollow leg syndrome” like Rob! That man can put away some food!  I just love guys who eat well since I love to cook so much. I made a bunch of stuffed French toast (ham & swiss) and added a big pound of thick sliced bacon as a side.  The five of us pretty much polished it all off. Well, the guys polished it off. Breean and I could only eat a half a sandwich and our other halves went down the gullets of the guys. There was lots of lively discussion around the breakfast table.  Jim is all raring to go and Rob is so happy to have him!

I also made them dinner which I took over yesterday afternoon.  Jim had to go back to Basin to finish out his last half week with Big Horn County. He’ll be back on the first of March to start work with Rob.  Breean’s mother, whom I met yesterday afternoon, is staying here to help Breean unpack and watch the kids until Wednesday.  So, I made a simple hamburger/green bean casserole for the kids and as a special treat, I made lobster ravioli with a garlic/olive oil sauce for Breean and her mom. They were very grateful.  Having moved a lot when I was younger, I so understand what it’s like to not want to cook those first few days! I have a real problem with fast food, though and will do anything to help others avoid that pitfall! You may as well eat a box of plastic and chemicals as eat Mickey D’s.

They had already made awesome unpacking progress by the time I got over there yesterday afternoon.  The place was really starting to look like a home! As I said before, they are renting the old Clear Creek Bed & Breakfast, which used to be owned by my friend, Sue.  It’s so nice to see it alive and lived in again! It’s a beautiful old 1898, 5 bedroom home and has a big front porch and a swing.  Breean and I even sat out on it and enjoyed the view from up there, even though the wind was blowing crazy.  It will be awesome in summertime!

Her children, Wylie and Wyatt, are loving the house, too.  When I got there, I barely got my coat off before they were dragging me all over to show me where they’d set up their playroom and their bedrooms.  They were having a blast running up and down the massive mahogany stairs. I bet the house is pleased to have children’s feet pattering around again. Because it’s such an old house, it has lots of little hidden closets and doorways, perfect for children’s imagination! We’re going to have a lot of fun, I can tell.

Other than that, my day was pretty boring.  I spent most of it trying to line up girlfriends to come sit with me during the first couple of days after surgery. Rob is so busy at work and can’t take off to stay home and take care of Thistle.  I’ve got bestie, Sherry, coming over Tuesday morning until Rob comes home for lunch. That’ll be a hoot!  Sherry is one of my longest friends here and we can zoom through hours of conversation like it was a minute! I’m still waiting to hear from a couple of girls about Tuesday afternoon but I’m not the least concerned.  I think by Wednesday, I’ll probably be okay.  I have one of those “cryocuff” water delivery systems all ready for my knee.  They are amazing for after surgery! I used it when I had my shoulder reconstruction and I healed very fast and needed little painkillers.  It runs icy, cold water through a pump and keeps the swollen area comfortable. I’m just a little concerned about Thistle chewing on all the tubing!

So, I’m all prepared!  You probably won’t be hearing from me tomorrow, but… who knows? I’m so darn ADD that I have real trouble staying down for long. It’s my understanding that I’ll be starting physical therapy just 3 days post-op.  We have a great little physical therapy office right down the street and it will be fun to go in and chat with everyone there. They have all kinds of great torture equipment!

SO, my bag is packed, my jewelry’s off, I have a big tub of books, my laptop set up next to my recliner….lots of yummy goodies in the fridge, I think I’m ready to rock this extravaganza, folks!

I’ll see ya on the flip side and we’ll go dancing, what do ya say?

I learned a long time ago that minor surgery is when they do the operation on someone else, not you.  ~Bill Walton

Dancing in all its forms cannot be excluded from the curriculum of all noble education; dancing with the feet, with ideas, with words, and, need I add that one must also be able to dance with the pen?  ~Friedrich Nietzsche

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