Wednesday, February 29, 2012

knee blizzard blues...

another pretty snow blankets our house

Well, I spoke a little soon about how well I was doing with my knee surgery recovery. That implanted pain reliever the anesthesiologist put it my knee has now worn off, darn it.  I may have to pick up the crutches again until I can get it all back under control. I’m having trouble straightening my leg, feels like the tendons are shortening already. So, I am spending a lot of time standing still, trying to straighten the bugger out, so it doesn’t cause problems later.

Sherry came over this morning, despite the fact that it was snowing buckets and she lives outside town. She brought me chicken soup and flowers and even brought lunch for Rob.  Sherry says she was expecting me to be all groggy and thought she’d be reading a book instead of us talking and laughing as we ended up doing. It was really nice that she took time out of her busy schedule to come sit with me for 4 hours.  It is difficult for me to tend to Miss Thistle in this condition. She left at noon when Rob got home and I made her promise to call me and let me know she got back home safe.  It took her about twice the time to get there and she had to shovel about a foot of snow from in front of her door just to get in her house!

Friend Ginnie also popped in for about half an hour in the afternoon and was gracious enough to take Thistle out. I was really surprised she showed up as she has issues with driving in the snow. I was grateful for the short time she spared me out of her busy, busy life.

Speaking of snow, we got a major dump yesterday.  It started snowing about 3 am and never quit! As of right now, my ruler on the back deck says 15 inches.  I can’t be sure of the accuracy as we had quite a stiff wind at times, too. It sure is pretty but I have some rancher friends who aren’t real happy about this snowstorm in the middle of their calving and lambing season. There’s so much for them to do outdoors this time of year and this is really late for such a bitterly cold snowstorm. I just looked and my thermometer says it’s 7 degrees outside…brrr!  That’s the temperature here in town, out on the prairie, where the wind has nothing to stop it, I’ll bet it’s more like 15 below! That’s dangerous for new little lambs and calves. While ranchers try to keep an eye on who’s ready to birth and get them in or near the barns, there’s always a few uncooperative cow and sheep ladies out there you have to go track down. Keep those hard working folks in your prayers, they are the ones that put food on your table.

So, today we have the State of the County address at the Chamber luncheon. We’ll be finding out what all’s going on with the new Justice Center they are building and other big projects in town. Buffalo seems to be growing kind of fast right now and I’m not sure how comfortable I am with that.  I’m all for tourists coming here in the summer months and enjoying our amenities but I’m not real sure I want the town to grow much more. Five years ago, I could walk down the street and know pretty much everyone I passed, even if it was only face recognition but these days there’s more strangers than not that I pass. I know progress is inevitable, I was just hoping it would be a little slower than it’s appearing lately.

I heard a great saying when we first moved here that has sort of stuck with me…”When the population exceeds the elevation, it’s time to move on”  Well, we’re at 4,957 ft and we just went over 5,000 people with the latest census! 

We aren’t ever going anywhere, though.  This town and this house is our “forever” home.  We may buy something down in AZ as a second home getaway someday but Buffalo will always be home. With all the many, many moves I’ve done in my lifetime, I told Rob I’m never doing it again and if for some reason I have to, I’m calling  Brannian Auction and we’re just gonna sell everything right where it sits because I’m not packing boxes again!

Well, time to try to stretch my knee tendons again and hobble into the kitchen for a cup of coffee. We made it to hump day again! Is it my imagination or are the days going faster lately?  I am on my own for the rest of this odyssey with my knee, I guess. I seem to have worn out my friends pretty quick on the helping and I sure can’t expect them to risk life and limb and car dents in this weather just to come sit and stare at my silly face!

Onward, campers!  Have a fantastic day and remember I’m here cheering you on to be the best you can be.

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