Monday, February 20, 2012

lazy is good, real good!

Well, I had a lazy Sunday, that’s for sure!  Can’t say I got much more done than the laundry, but that’s what Sundays are about, right? Yesterday was the day of the big sleep!  It started off by sleeping a little late (6 a.m.) and waking to a chilly, dreary day.  I almost felt like I’d woken up back on the east coast!  One of the things I love about Wyoming is that the winters may be long but they tend to be bright and sunny, even with lots of snow on the ground.  Yesterday was the exception, however, with gray skies and spitting snow most of the day.  It was the kind of day you want to stay in a nice hot soaky bath all day because you can’t get that dampness out of yourself.

I did manage to have a skype conference with one of my old high school buddies, Keith.  That was a lot of fun.  I’ve been talking back and forth with Keith on Facebook for some time now. He has a brother who lives in Lander and he’s planning on stopping in to see Rob and I while he’s out this summer visiting.  I was even able to see his little adorable dog, Biscuit, laying on the bed behind him. I just sent Biscuit a doggie care package last week of my homemade dog cookies and threw in a couple of touristy things for Keith. I’m still flabbergasted at the technology of skype, I tell ya!  I tried to show Keith the mountains but there was too much glare from the sun at the moment when we were talking.  We’ll have a great time showing him around when he comes this summer, though!

While I was talking to Keith, Rob was entertaining a new client for a website, another outfitter. Man, I wish we were younger and healthier because both Rob and I would have loved to be outfitters! Imagine being able to spend your working hours out in nature, guiding hunters around the mountain….sweet! I think I told you when we first moved out here many years ago, we were outriders for a wagon train company, Spiritriders, that took tourists on 3-6 day wagon train trips through the Hole In the Wall country down by Kaycee.  Outriders make sure that the wagons stay on the trail, gently guiding the draft horses at all times. It amazes me that this part of the country ever got populated after spending time reliving the wagon train experience.

A wagon train can only do about 11 miles a day. That means it would take 3 ½ days just to get to Sheridan back in the day! Now, I thought our experiences were rough when we were doing it! We had no ice after the first day (except the cook), no place to bathe except cow creeks full of mud and flies, endless dust and heat and of course,  you have to break down camp every day and then stop early enough to set up again each evening.  With our modern conveniences, though, we had water and food for the trip. Can you imagine coming across the prairie not knowing where your next water was?  Those were some brave folks who settled this area back in the 1800’s, let me tell you.  I highly recommend taking a wagon train adventure if you want to see what it was really like.  I really miss outriding but I don’t miss the red dust between my teeth!

Sweet Draft horses!

Anyway, we went and hit the Chinese restaurant for lunch and it seems everyone else in town had the same idea.  The place was packed! I’m so glad to see Tommy, the owner, getting so much business.  He has great food and has even introduced a small menu of Thai food that I tend to order from.  I like my food spicy and he is very good at that! After that, I fell asleep for at least two hours. It was just so comfy in front of the woodstove, I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

It was just a really lazy day for both Rob and I and they don’t come along too often.  I did manage to get all the laundry done but it’s still sitting in the living room with accusatory eyes, waiting to be folded…

This is a big week coming up.  Rob turns the big 6-0 tomorrow!  He’s been looking forward to this birthday for a lot of years.  No, he doesn’t particularly want to be 60, who does?  He was in the Navy for 23 years, 11 active duty and 12 reserve.  Because it was not all active duty, he was unable to get his military retirement until he turns 60.  So, tomorrow, he is officially retired from the Navy!  I swear, the government and the military in particular can make you crazy! We’ve been waiting to see how much he gets and as of right now, we still don’t know! All kinds of paperwork has been passed back and forth, including direct deposit stuff but nowhere have they told us exactly what’s coming!  Guess we’ll find out when it hits the bank account.  We are hoping to start working toward real retirement with this.  We’re gonna start paying off the mortgage and the vehicles and hopefully, by the time Rob’s ready to retire from the County here in a few years, we’ll be able to swing full retirement and start having a little fun. Of course, the way the economy is going, who knows….

Personally I don’t see Rob ever retiring.  He’s a bit of a workaholic but he swears it’s out of necessity. We’ll see soon, won’t we?

Well, today’s a big day for my puppy, Thistle.  She’s getting some corrective surgery at the Vet’s today. She was born with a recessed vulva and it has caused constant infections in her little crotch since we’ve had her.  She’ll be staying overnight and we’re both stressing as we’ve never had her away from us.  Wish her luck and a pain free recovery!  Poor thing has been on antibiotics since she was 8 weeks old because of all this. That can’t be good for her little immune system and it sure hasn’t been good for my pocketbook. For the last two months she’s been on Augmentin,  which has been costing $85 every two weeks.  The drugstore laughed at me when I tried to declare her as a dependent on my insurance. Can’t blame a girl for trying, right?

Get out there and have a great day.  Hopefully, you are like Rob and have President’s Day off.  If not, enjoy your day anyway! Every day above ground is a good one, I say!

"There is no condition that you cannot modify into something more, any more than there is any painting that you cannot repaint. There are many limiting thoughts in the human environment that can make it seem that these so-called incurable illnesses or unchangeable conditions cannot not be changed. But we say that they are only "unchangeable" because you believe they are. Someone asked us recently, 'Is there any limitation to the body's ability to heal?" And we said, None, other than the belief that you hold. And he asked, "Then why aren't people growing new limbs?' And we said, Because no one believes they can." ~Abraham Hicks

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