Friday, February 24, 2012

limping into Friday.....

Yesterday's snowstorm!
It’s everybody’s favorite day of the week again! Okay, well, it’s Rob and mine’s, anyway.  We made it to another Friday! Boy, what a week this has been.

Miss Thistle is doing so much better after her little surgery.  We were able to leave off her cone of idiocy almost all day yesterday. She’s back to her old playful self and doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to her stitches. Of course, I’ve been distracting her with everything I can think of to keep her occupied.  One of my friends, Michelle, owner of the famous golden, Abby, brought Thistle over a lovely Kong yesterday. It’s one of those that you stuff with peanut butter and treats so Thistle was quite content to try to lick out all the yummy goodness for hours before she got it all. Michelle also brought her over a couple of pigs ears. 

Thistle is going to be pretty spoiled by the time this is all over, I think.  I also picked Thistle up a pair of toddler training pants (in pink) to cover her stitches, so she wouldn’t scoot.  She didn’t like that so much.  For the first hour she just sat there, not moving and looking at me like I was some kind of torture queen.  After an hour and some coaxing, she finally started walking around in them.  They work really well but I have to take them off of her when I take her outside to do her business, of course.  I must say that I have been laughing quite a lot through this ordeal.  Her stitches look awesome, though and that’s what counts.

Thistle in her "training pants" and Kong Cloud

I’m back to preparing the house for my upcoming surgery again. I sure hope they don’t postpone it another time.  I’m not sure I can wait much longer.  I have really damaged my knee even further running around after Miss Thistle.  The strain of the whole thing has all the muscles in both legs screaming now.  I’m supposed to call after lunch to get my surgery time for Monday.  I sure hope they give me a morning slot because I’m not very good in the morning without coffee and I’m such an early riser these days.  We’ve been watching the weather, too, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed that we’ll be able to get to Sheridan for this.

We had one of those wonderful wild snowstorms yesterday. I just love the way we get snow around here. It started as rain (very unusual) on Wednesday night and quickly turned to snow while we were having Rob’s birthday dinner at Winnie’s.  By the time we got home that evening, it was a slushy winter wonderland.  Thursday morning, we got up to a near whiteout and all the roads leading out of Buffalo were shut down due to blowing and drifting snow.  Then, poof….the sun came out about 9:30 a.m., the winds died down and we were left with a beautiful landscape and a bright, sunny, calm day! I don’t think they even closed the schools.  I went out to run some errands in town around 10 and everyone was digging out and the roads were already looking just fine.  Everyone kept looking at the mountain, though, because it was still pretty menacing looking up there but it never did anything more except a few flurries.

Chamber Coffee

We have our monthly Chamber of Commerce Coffee this morning.  That’s one of my favorite things to do.  A bunch of the business people gather for coffee and we discuss all the things going on in Buffalo. It’s a free for all, no agenda or anything, and we talk about everything from what new businesses have come to town to the latest news from the city council and commissioners.  Some of the best ideas come from those coffees! I’m sure today’s conversation will center around the upcoming RMI convention we have coming up in a month.  Buffalo will be hosting tour operators from around the world, vying for their tourists to bring here on vacation.

I’m just looking forward to Happy Hour myself.  Like I said, it’s been a long week! Rob’s looking forward to it, too.  He really didn’t celebrate his birthday in true fashion (drink) and has already told me that he plans on having a shot or two of Glenlivet, his liquor of choice, along with his usual beer this evening.  I used to love scotch myself, until I woke up in a snowbank, face down, in my late 20’s, after over-inbibing in a bottle of single malt Laphroig Scotch.  Now I can’t stand the smell of the stuff. I even had to stop using the lipstick I was wearing at the time of the face plant! Every time I use L-oreal  lipstick now, it smells like scotch to me, isn’t that weird?  Funny what our mind does to us.  I did retry some Laphroig a couple of years ago when we were vacationing up in Cooke City, MT and I must admit I still like the stuff.  A lot of people call it “smoke in a glass”.  It’s very earthy tasting, not like any other scotch, if you ask me.  Rob hates it, much prefers the Glens (Glenlivet, Glenfiddich).

I’m not much of a drinker anymore.  Luckily, we only go out once a week. It doesn’t like me much these days.  I get one rocks glass full of my Captain Morgan and I’m good for the evening. I’m mostly at happy hour for the conversation.  I usually go through 2-3 glasses of iced tea or pop while I’m sipping on my Captain.  Funny thing is that I still manage to have a hangover the next day! Must be all the stupid medication I’m on.  I’d make a lousy alcoholic, that’s for sure.  I’ve never been able to drink enough to have it be a problem.  We have a big bar in our great room that is fully stocked and stays that way unless someone comes over and we offer them a drink or unless we have a party.  We just aren’t home imbibers, we are social drinkers.  Oh sure, every once in while Rob gets a coughing fit and has a shot of the Glen, but that’s about it.  I think right now I have about 12 bottles of wine and there’s probably two cases of beer in the beverage cooler, along with all the booze in the bar.  It will stay there until the next party, no doubt.

Okay, enough booze talk!  I guess it’s time to get my fanny in gear and go wake up the kids (Rob and Thistle) as we have that early morning coffee at the Chamber and I do have to get some breakfast into us beforehand. 

I hope that your Friday is as much fun as ours is going to be.  No matter what’s going on in your life, you need to set it all aside sometimes and just let your hair down.  Your problems will be waiting for you afterwards, no need to bring them along to happy hour.  Life is too short to worry all the time.  One thing I’ve learned in this crazy life of mine is that things can change in the blink of an eye, sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad, but they will change.  That’s the nature of life.  There’s no sense in sitting around ruminating about what’s around the bend, it will take care of itself. Oh sure, plan for things but always have the contingency and the fortitude to look Mr Life in the eye and laugh if he gives you a loop or two. 

“Laugh at yourself, but don’t ever aim your doubt at yourself. Be bold. When you embark for strange places, don’t leave any of yourself safely on shore. Have the nerve to go into unexplored territory”~ Alan Alda

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