Sunday, February 19, 2012

Let 'Er Buck, Chuck!!

The world just might end today, I actually slept late! Nah, not late like you probably do, but pretty darn late for me, almost 6 am!  The more I think about it though, the more I think I just hoodwinked myself about it. I didn’t get to bed til real late last night because Rob had a client photo shoot at the Cowboy Saloon.  So, in actuality, I didn’t get any extra sleep, just moved my times around, I’m thinking.  Oh well, I feel pretty refreshed and that’s the whole idea, right?

We had a good time at the Cowboy Saloon last night.  Hadn’t been there in quite a while because Rob and I are creatures of habit and we had gotten out of the habit of going there. After one of my besties sold the place, we just stopped going.  It used to be the center of everything for a few years when Beth and Bobby owned it.  Jim, the present owner is trying to get that started back up.  He’s got a permit for off-track betting there and I hear that’s going well. Ran into Junior last night, who was working the betting window and he says so, too.

The Cowboy is just about the only place to dance besides the Moose & the Ox (Occidental) these days. I don’t count the Hoot-N-Howl because that’s where the “young-uns” hang out.  Anyway, we went last night to take photos of Check Belus and the Let ‘Er Buck Band.  We’re going to be doing their website.  Well, Rob is going to be designing it, I just go along for the ride.

They are awesome! Gave me chills, they sound so much like Chris LeDoux with some of their songs! The place was pretty packed, too, with lots of cowboys and their ladies cutting a rug. I wish I’d been able to dance but with me on crutches, that just wasn’t happening.  I kept rhythm with my good foot, though.  I hope Rob got some good pictures because most of mine didn’t turn out because of the light. He’s the one with the fancy cameras, I just have a Nikon Coolpix.

I bet ole Chris Ledoux is smiling down on Chuck Belus and feeling pretty good that someone is taking over for him.  Chris had a special brand of music, what I call rodeo rock.  Chuck is banging out new music faster than he can think these days and it’s all good stuff.  He’s got some great musicians working with him, too.  Cindy, who plays the fiddle, is our county assessor.  I hear rumors that some people in town think it’s not appropriate for her to be in a band and be an elected official.  I think they need to mind their own business!  She has some real talent with that fiddle and she’s not doing anything that interferes with her public job so what’s the big deal?  Everyone, especially folks with stressful jobs, need an outlet.  Lighten up, Buffalo, would ya?

That’s the only problem with living in a small town like Buffalo.  Everyone thinks they have a right to have an opinion about your life.  I always wonder what people say behind my back. I mean, if they get all in a tizzy about something so benign as an assessor playing a fiddle, what are they saying about the County Planner’s wife spilling her life all over the internet? I really don’t give a puppie’s patootie but I’d love to be a fly on the wall!  Most of the people who seem to feel the need to gossip about others have monsters in their own closets and shouldn’t be gossiping in the first place.

Anyway, we are really looking forward to the new website for the band.  Rob loves doing that sort, gets his creative juices flowing.  When we get a new client, they just give Rob an idea of what they want and Rob designs the site around what he thinks they want and they go from there.  Most people don’t know exactly what they want until they see what he comes up with.  It’s a fun process. Of course, the more interesting the subject matter, the more fun we have designing it. 
Since today is Sunday, we’ll be taking it pretty easy today. Got a lot of mundane things to do, nothing exciting yet.  I’ve learned, though, that exciting things can pop up at a moment’s notice so I’m not worried about what the day will bring.

I hope you find your life as exciting as mine.  You just got to start looking at everything as a miracle.  I consider it a miracle that I wake up in the morning!  I am so grateful for the beautiful sunrises here, they are God’s miracles every morning to me. I have a routine I follow every morning. I get up and make some coffee and while its brewing, I go outside into the stillness of the early morning and I look up into the crisp dark sky and look at the millions of stars and the dark outline of the mountains in the distance and I thank the Lord for another day.  Do you ever do that?  You should, you should be thankful that you are just where you are and not in some war torn village in some backward nation.  It was fate that allowed you to be born where you are, and you should thank your lucky stars! We should stop being so mean to each other and learn to get along.  The world, our nation, our towns and our homes would be so much better off if we were all just a little more grateful and a little less mean.

“A person however learned and qualified in his life’s work in whom gratitude is absent, is devoid of that beauty of character which makes personality fragrant” ~Hazrat Inayat Khan

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