Tuesday, March 27, 2012

blowing into Tuesday....

starting to clear out the snow!

Yesterday was an enormously blustery day here in Buffalo! The wind just seemed to be never ending! The actual temperature was really nice, I think it got up to almost 74, but it was hard to get out and enjoy it with everything flying past you at breakneck speeds.  Once the birds finished half the seed I put out in the feeder yesterday, the platform insert went flying into my neighbors yard.  Even Thistle, who usually really enjoys the wind, was a little spooked yesterday.  I know we had to have had gusts in the 50-60 mph range, at least.

After going to my tanning, I stopped by and visited with a friend for a little bit and then I headed home to get out of the freaking sandstorm that was being whipped up by all this darn wind.  Instead of salt, they use dirt here in the winter for keeping the streets safe and because we had a weird winter, the clean-up has been slow.  Well, yesterday, all that dirt they had distributed made it look like a sandstorm out on the main drags, there were times you couldn’t see the mountain for the swirling dust!

So, I spent most of the day trying to find things to do indoors.  I did manage to finally read a book that I’ve been meaning to finish for some time now.  Thistle hates it when I read, she thinks I should be doing something with her, instead.  She spent the whole time coming back and forth to my chair and nudging the back of my book, the little devil.  Luckily, I only had a couple of chapters left and was able to spend time playing with her after I finished.

I'm still so sore from all that raking I did over the weekend, so I also spent a little time in my portable sauna, hoping to ease some of that muscle soreness.  It helped a bit but it's still going to be awhile before I pick up that rake again!

For dinner last night, we hit the Moose Lodge for some of Jason's fine ribeye french dip sandwiches.  Twice a month, Jason cooks on Mondays for us.  One week, it's hand cut ribeyes and then on the other Monday, he does the french dips.  They were absolutely yummy, although I really don't eat red meat anymore so Rob ate most of mine.  There was a nice crowd there, too, especially for a Monday.  

I think the wind is finally dying down this morning.  I certainly hope so as I would like to be able to take Thistle for a walk.  It’s only supposed to be in the 50’s but I think the sun will be out so it will still be a nice day.

This afternoon, I will be calling a bunch of vendors for the Chamber of Commerce. I think I told you we have this huge convention coming here at the end of April called the RMI (Rocky Mountain International).  The goal of RMI is to promote the region to the European travel trade.  My assignment is to get Made in Wyoming vendors to send us products that we’re going to put in gift baskets to be given out during the three day conference.  So, I have a list of about 250 vendors to call in the next week or so.  We are going to be putting a few of our photos from Wild Wyoming Images in there, as well.  This is a great opportunity for Buffalo to showcase itself as a destination vacation spot and our Chamber has really been putting everything into it to make it successful.

A Robin trying to stay out of the blustery wind!

Other than that, nothing much is going on around here at the moment.  I’m still waiting to get all my medical records from Billings Clinic before I can proceed any further with my quest for a clinical trial.  I swear, these people move slower than mud.  The folks at NIH want to know if I’ve already had a blood test for the marker they are looking for, to see if I qualify for their trial.  So, I have to wait for all the test results from Billings before I can proceed any further.  As I said before, if I don’t have that marker, I’m going to be going for the stem cell transplant trial in Seattle.  That one, I’m sure I’ll qualify for with no problem but it is the more dangerous trial. So, I guess I’ll just twiddle my thumbs until Billings gets around to sending me my records.

I’m going to make this short and sweet today.  Hope you are having a fantastic week and everything is going your way! I’m off to do my Nia workout and see what kind of trouble I can get into!

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