Wednesday, March 28, 2012

yay...halfway through the week!

Full moon pic of windmill

Hey, we’ve made it half way through the week already! How did that happen? I swear the days are just flying by!  Good thing, because I am getting really ansty about going on vacation and I really need them to go quickly right now.  I’m impressed because usually it’s the other way around and time just drags when I have something fun planned.

Rob has our itinerary all planned out for the trip and has managed to fix it so that we get to spend more time with some friends in Sedona than we first thought we’d be able to. I just love being married to a “planner”.  He is the one who does all the lists in the family and although I’m always teasing him about his list making, it really comes in handy! He has made a great list of the things we need to take along in addition to having already scoped out all the good restaurants along the way.  Bless his heart, he’s even included a few sushi restaurants for me!

We are such an odd couple, I swear.  He’s a meat eater, I’m a vegetarian.  He’s a little on the anal retentive side (okay I’m being nice, he’s really anal, okay) and I’m what I call anal explosive.  I couldn’t write a list of things to do if my life depended on it.  He plans life out very concisely while I plod through it, hoping I get things done.  Rob is very detail oriented while I am a big picture type.  They say opposites attract and in this case, they are right.  We balance each other out very nicely.  We also have more fun on trips than most people do.  Rob has even burned a bunch of music cd’s just for this trip with music he thinks will be perfect for it.  That’s another thing I love about him, his taste in music.  If you were to meet him for the first time, you’d no doubt “label” him as to what you think those tastes might be.  I bet you’d be way off the mark.  Rob has one of the encyclopedic minds when it comes to music.  He knows just as much about Beethoven’s sonatas as he does about hard rock.  He likes a little more country than I care for but that’s okay.  At least he has an open mind when it comes to the new music that’s always coming out.  He’s one of those people, though, who can hear a song and tell you who is singing, what year it came out and whether or not it was a “one hit wonder”.  That just fascinates the heck outta me!  I tend to like music because I like the melody or the words, I can never remember who the heck is singing but I know I like something when I hear it.  If it weren’t for him, I’d probably not have any music on cd’s as I wouldn’t know what to get.

I guess I just don’t have that kind of mind. I’m the same way with reading books.  I don’t just read them, I consume books!  But, two days after I’ve read it, don’t ask me what it was about.  I might be able to give you the gist of the story but I never remember any details.  I have a lot of favorite authors but I couldn’t tell you who they were unless you remind me of their names. Funny how some people can keep all that little information in their brains while others, like me, just can’t.

Of course, I try to tell him it’s because I have all this medical jargon and scientific stuff cluttering up my brain.  That’s where my memory comes into play, I guess. I think we all have things our brains consider important and that’s the stuff we tend to focus on remembering. Of course, in true wife fashion, I also know where everything is in the house he’s misplaced. I often wonder how Rob would even fix himself dinner if I weren’t here.  I swear that man doesn’t even know where the pots and pans are kept.  He’s a great cook, though.  Back when I still worked as an RN, I worked 12 hours shifts and Rob always had dinner ready when I got home.

Anyway, so I’m getting really excited about our trip.  We leave two weeks from tomorrow! Because the entire US has been having this great early spring, we are ensured we are going to have lots and lots of nice wildflowers to take pictures of when we get down to Arizona and Utah. I am also really looking forward to visiting with some people we haven’t seen in a long time.  Don Weir, who used to run one of the local motels here in town for his brother, lives down in Wickenburg now.  We’re going to be spending the night with him and his new girlfriend, Judy, while we’re there.  Don is a very interesting cowboy who has worked in a lot of really neat places over his lifetime and has more stories than most people.  He’s even run the guest ranch down at the bottom of the Grand Canyon.  That place is only accessible by mule or hiking.  I can sit for hours and listen to Don talk stories about some of the places he’s lived! His late wife, Odie, was one of my best friends here before she died suddenly of a brain aneurysm back in 2006. His new girlfriend, Judy, reminds me a lot of her, same spunky attitude.

Playing in the backyard with Thistle!

Yesterday was a very laid back day here around the Yingling household.  The wind finally died down, at least.  Thistle and I didn’t get a whole lot done except to go get some lawn fertilizer for the yard, which Rob applied last night.  The rest of the time, I was busy trying to get my little spiel written up for talking to all these Wyoming vendors I have to start calling today to get their products for those gift baskets I was talking about yesterday. 

This calling is going to be a pretty big deal for me.  I have what I like to call “telephone reluctance”.  I don’t know why, I’m a chatterbox and I love talking to people but I just hate calling people I don’t know on the phone.  I actually agreed to do this for the Chamber because I really need to get over this phobia. It’s just silly and I don’t know what my problem is. There’s just something otherworldy about talking on the phone I don’t like, I guess.  I can’t see people’s faces and I guess that’s part of it. But, today, I’m going to be spending most of it cold calling these folks and we’ll see how it goes. I sure hope a lot of them want to send stuff!

Well, folks, it’s hump day and it’s all gonna be smooth sailing into Friday from here, right?  I hope you really enjoy your day and find something special to make you smile.

“Happiness is the consequence of personal effort. You fight for it, strive for it, insist upon it, and sometimes even travel around the world looking for it. You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestations of your own blessings. And once you have achieved a state of happiness, you must never become lax about maintaining it. You must make a mighty effort to keep swimming upward into that happiness forever, to stay afloat on top of it.”~ Elizabeth Gilbert

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