Sunday, March 25, 2012

soaring into Sunday....

Last summer's Great Blue Heron at Kumor Rd lake

Man, the weekend sure does fly by, doesn’t it?  How come the rest of the week doesn’t do that? Rob and I had a really nice one yesterday but I swear there just aren’t enough hours in the day! Of course, it would seem longer if I didn’t sleep half of it away, I’m sure. 

We went for a nice drive in the morning yesterday around our favorite scenic tour of Kumor Road and the lake on our way to Sheridan.  The birds are really coming out now out there.  The little lake on Kumor is almost completely unfrozen now. We really thought it was at first glance, but on further inspection, we saw that a bunch of the geese were sitting on a very thin layer of ice on the far side.  I bet their little feet get cold standing on that!  Maybe that’s why they were so loud?  Gosh, I tell you, those geese can really get to honking when they want to. We saw some nice rough legged hawks nearby, too, but still no migrating blue herons yet.  I guess we’re getting a little ahead of ourselves with the nice weather.  I keep having to remind myself that it’s still only March!

While in Sheridan, we stopped and got our usual Saturday Dragon Wall Chinese Buffet fix, that always wipes away any lingering nastiness from the prior night’s drinking.  Luckily, I’d been so busy talking Friday night, I really only had one drink.  I’ve started drinking something new I really like.  It’s called Birddog Blackberry Whiskey and it’s really yummy. I know it sounds sweet, but it’s really not.  It has a hint of blackberry in it, not overpowering like a cordial. Rob, on the other hand, had his usual amount of scotch and beer and really needed the buffet yesterday!

We also had to stop by the Verizon store and see my favorite guy about my dumb Blackberry phone.  It’s had this annoying habit of rebooting itself every hour or so. That’s not very conducive to being able to use it, now is it?  It takes the darn phone about 5 minutes to get itself back to normal mode every time it does that.  I had stopped in to see Jerry about it last week and he’d said I might be overextending my RAM on it and he had done some upgrading on it and told me to see if that fixed the problem.  Well, it didn’t, so we stopped back in to see what we needed to do next.  Turns out, there was just a little wiggle room between the battery and the connectors and every time I set it down or put it in my pocket, it would lose the connection and reboot! We stumbled on this fact because as I tossed it on his desk, it went into rebooting itself!  I was giggling as he used a “high tech” fix of placing a folded business card to complete the connection to tighten it!  Oh well, I’m due for a new phone in January and I guess we’ll just deal with the business card fix til then.  No way am I paying $600 for a new phone in the meantime when I can get a free one then.

With the phone finally fixed, we headed over to the local camera store so Rob could buy a new chip for the camera I bought him for Christmas.  Since we’re going on a long vacation in a couple of weeks, we need lots of chips to hold all the photos we’re going to be taking.  He also needs a new camera backpack to hold his three cameras now.  The old one is starting to fall apart from so much trail use.  He found a couple that he likes but none that would allow him to have telephotos on two of the cameras, already connected, in the bag, so we’re still looking. I tell you, photography is an expensive job/hobby!  I can’t wait until we finally get rid of most of his web business and only have to deal with the expenses from the photography business! I won’t complain too much, though, as Rob is an incredible photographer and we usually recoup his expenses quickly from the sales.

A bunch of pelicans from last year, too!

Upon our return from Sheridan, I decided I needed a little nap, which turned into an all afternoon slumber. I must have really needed it as I slept from about 1 p.m. til 5 p.m.  While I was sleeping, Rob created two new flower beds out in the front yard.  He did one out in front of our pretty bear carving, surrounding it with some scoria rock.  The other one he did around our new Canada Cherry tree.  We’re going to plant some blanket flowers in the beds that will come up every year and give it some nice bright colors in the summer.  Rob did a beautiful job and I can’t wait to get the flowers in!

Since I was so out of it from my long nap, Rob graciously fixed his own dinner last night.  I just love it when he does that!  I just had some tomatoes and blackberries for dinner, as I was still full from the buffet and had not been out gardening like he had.  Hmm, I’m sensing a theme of blackberries for the day as I read back through what I’ve written here! I drank blackberries Friday night, fixed my Blackberry, and ate blackberries, weird! I guess I really like those things, huh?

Anyway, today is another easy day.  I don’t have too much to do except for the usual laundry and house cleaning.  It’s supposed to be another beautiful day so I imagine we’ll take another drive.  We haven’t been up on the mountain in a while, maybe I can talk Rob into going for a drive up there! With all the wind we’ve been having, I imagine the roads should be pretty dried up by now so there should be too much mud on the trail roads.  That’s the only problem with Spring around here, they close a lot of the forest roads when they get too muddy from all the runoff from the snow on the mountain. 

Well, I hope you all have a magnificent Sunday and you find something fun to do, as well!

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