Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Spring equinox....

Spring Sunrise!

Good morning, my fine friends!  Today is the Spring equinox!  Most of you are probably thinking it’s a day early as it usually falls on March 21st and you’d be right.  This year, thanks to it being a leap year, it falls early on March 20th, instead.  I’m practically giddy that we can now say it’s spring!  Yesterday was quite a wild weather day here in old Buffalo, I tell ya.  It started off a bit gloomy and then began spitting a mixture of rain and snow, which later turned to all snow throughout the day.  It was that big, fluffy, wet spring snow that blanketed the lawns and the mountains but really didn’t mess up the streets much at all. I persevered and wore Capri pants, despite the darn snow. I don’t think my sneakers appreciated it but, oh well! I did have to break down and light the woodstove yesterday to get the chill out of the house

So, we got through yesterday’s messy weather and today we’re supposed to start seeing major improvement again.  I told you that snow yesterday was just to soak the manure in the garden and that’s just what it did.  Well, it also left a beautiful white covering on the mountain foothills. That will probably be gone by this afternoon as it’s supposed to get back up into the high 50’s, at least. 

I had a great session with Joey, my physical therapist, yesterday. He gave me some new exercises to help strengthen my neck some more and praised me on doing the ones he had already showed me.  One of the things we concentrated on was proper form for the exercising I already do at home.  Seems I have been doing a little bad posturing when swinging my kettlebell around and he thinks that may be contributing to some of my neck pain. So, all in all, it was very productive.  After I left him, I went home and tried out all the stuff he taught me, while trying to keep Thistle from getting in the way.  She was a bit riled up yesterday as it was just too soupy out to go for a walk and it never got above 35 degrees.  So, there was a lot of house playing going on for us, instead.

Today, I have my bi-weekly appointment with Carmen at Spirited Hands Massage.  I think that we may actually get past my shoulders this time, thanks to Joey! For the first time in a long time, I don’t have massive knots in my shoulders that usually take up our entire hour. Maybe we can actually work on my hips and legs today.

Yesterday I also stopped off at Artful Hands, which is an art and consignment store downtown and dropped off two huge bags of spring and summer clothes I no longer wear.  I did that thing this past year where you put all your hangers in the opposite direction and if you don’t wear it for a year…get rid of it.  I have to confess I am a clothes horse but I am a frugal one.  I just love shopping second hand, it’s sort of a game for me.  Artful Hands lets me just use whatever I’ve made there as a credit and I just love that, so I came home with 5 new tops.  Now that’s what I call recycling! I have lost a lot of weight over the winter so it was fun to get some new clothes. I swear, I can’t figure it out, though.  I weigh less now than I ever did in high school but it sure doesn’t sit the same way, no matter how much I exercise.  I used to have a great hourglass figure, now I have almost no butt to speak of.

Anyway, there’s not much going on around here today.  That’s a good thing, I guess, all in all. I have to get my rear over to Sheridan at some point this week to pick up my prescriptions but I’m putting it off as long as I can.  I guess if nothing pops up this afternoon, I’ll pile Miss Thistle in the car and we’ll shoot over there.  It never fails that those darn rx’s are ready right after I’ve been over there.  I have them on auto refill and of course, never keep track.

I’ve been messaging back and forth with my Aunt Becca about the trip to go see them for my birthday.  We’re all so excited that we get to see each other!  Becca is a long distance owner/operator trucker with her husband and we’ve seen each other twice (very briefly) when they’ve come through Buffalo on their runs but we haven’t had a good visit in ages.  As you can imagine, we are getting a little giddy about the prospect of spending some real quality time together.  Becca is also a writer and a darn good one. I adore her husband, as well.  I haven’t seen her boys since they were quite young, although I am friends with them on facebook.  Both seem to have turned into quite intelligent young men.  Mack, her older son, will have moved to NC by the time we get there, so I probably won’t see him but Zander is still living at home and I look forward to talking with him.  He’s become quite the prolific poet.

Western Tananger - saw one of these guys yesterday!

Well, I won’t bore you any further today.  I’m going to go hit the coffeepot and see what mischief I can get into before Rob gets up.  Have a beautiful day, today.  We made it to the official first day of Spring!

Behold, my friends, the spring is come; the earth has gladly received the embraces of the sun, and we shall soon see the results of their love! ~Sitting Bull

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