Sunday, March 18, 2012

sweeeet Sunday!

Melody's Great Dane in his "Security" shirt, ready to patrol the Moose!

Good Sunday morning to all!  I hope you enjoyed your day, yesterday!  It was just glorious here in Buffalo, let me tell you.  Rob and I spent as much time as we could outside after I fixed him a lovely Irish breakfast of corned beef hash and scrambled eggs.  Personally, the only way I like corned beef hash is the way my mom used to make it when I was little and we’d have it for dinner on occasion.  She’d bake it in a highly heated oven, in which she’d made indentations in the hash and would put raw eggs in those spots.  After it baked, you’d have what looked like fried eggs sitting in the corned beef.  Rob does not like egg whites so I wasn’t able to do this yesterday.

After filling his tummy with a good breakfast, we went outside to continue our clearing of last years’ debris from the front flower garden.  Man, just about everything is coming up already! It was so awesome to see all the little green tentacles of plants pushing up in the soil!  We raked up about 4 huge bags of leaves that had accumulated and got the garden looking pretty spiffy! It looks like this year, we may only need a small amount of allysium and maybe a few salvia to fill in a few spots and we’ll be set!  Last year, we had a very overcrowded garden and a lot of the flowers got lost in the madness.  The only things I really have to put in are our dinner plate Dahlias and the new sapphire blue Eryngium I just ordered.  These are both bulbs that I have to dig up in the fall to keep them from freezing over the winter. 

We headed down to the Moose Lodge at noon for some fine corned beef and cabbage that Terry A. made for the lodge.  She cooked it in a combo of white wine and beer and it was just awesome.  I made six loaves of Irish Soda bread that came out pretty good to contribute to the meal.  It’s weird, I made 3 of the loaves on Friday and they came out dense and wonderfully chewy and then I made 3 more loaves yesterday morning and they came out kinda light and crumbly.  Must have been the difference in the weather on the two days!  Other people brought Irish black-eyed peas and lots and lots of desserts!  There were a lot of people there that we only see when there’s free food, so there was a lot of conversation had before we headed back to the house to continue our chores.

The wind had picked up something fierce when we got back home so that was the end of our outside work for the day.  While it was still warm, it was useless to try to rake leaves in the gales that were swirling around.  Now, if you are a WY resident, you know the winds always herald a change in weather.  It’s supposed to be nice today but believe it or not, we are expecting snow tomorrow!  That won’t last, though, the weatherman says it will return to the 60’s again later in the week.  Good thing I didn’t move my winter clothes too far into the depths of my closet! Of course, I’ve learned in the many years of living here to keep all kinds of clothing at the ready all throughout the year!

Rob has been swamped with web work so that’s what he concentrated on for the rest of the day. I mostly piddled around with Thistle.  She’s gotten into this annoying habit of digging in the back yard, so I spent most of the rest of the afternoon refilling holes.  It worries me because she digs pretty deep and I’m afraid she’s gonna break something if she scampering around back there at full speed and hits one of her own holes with her legs.  At least she stays away from the fence, though, preferring to dig right out in the middle of the darn yard.

I went back down to the Moose at 5 pm to listen to my friend, Melody, play her guitar.  Rob decided that was the perfect time for him and Thistle to take a nice nap. Boy, the Moose was seriously hopping by that time.  Green everywhere!!  Some of my besties were there, getting tuned up to go to the Lake Stop for the evening festivities they were having out there.  At least they had the sense to get a room for the night so I don’t have to worry about them driving back into town in the middle of the night.  The Lake Stop had the Jackdanny band, who is just awesome, playing out there last night.  I’m positive the girls had a really good time!  I’m sure I’ll hear all about it sometime today when they get their lazy, hungover butts back to town.  I don’t think I’d want to be walking back and forth across that parking lot out there at the lake, though, in this wind! The motel is across the parking lot from the lounge and when it’s cold or windy, it can feel like a really long trek!

The "girls" priming for the evening festivities

Today is going to be a lazy day for the most part. I have to do my weekly laundry (ugh) and this is my cleaning day.  I’ll see if I can suck up enough dog hair to make another golden retriever! Gosh, I swear Thistle has more hair than I’ve ever seen fall off a dog!  I brush her every day and still we have big wisps of hair sitting in the corners of rooms around here by the end of the week.  Thank goodness, when we had our addition put on, I had them pull all the carpet and put down cork flooring in the addition and laminate in the rest of the first floor.  I was tired of buying a new vacuum cleaner every few years because they’d burn out from the hair! We still have carpet upstairs but not for long, if I have any say in the matter!

Well, sorry to be so boring today…but boring can be good! At least that means I have no crisis rearing at the moment.  My knee is pretty much back to normal, so much so, I’m having trouble finding where the scars are!  I totally forgot about it yesterday when I was running around the yard with Thistle, that’s how good it feels.  It’s only three weeks post-op as of tomorrow, too!

SO, get out there and have yourself a lovely Sunday!  Be kind to people you see, treat them like you want to be treated.  Before you open your mouth to say something to someone, think how you’d like it if it was being said to you.  If you have nothing nice to say, just smile and walk away.  Lastly, remember you are a unique individual and the world would turn a little wobbly if you weren’t here.  We all have worth, every pea picking, nose picking, (drunken assholes, too) one of us.  Everyone is created in God’s image.  Amazing how compassionate you can be, if you keep these things in mind! Don’t hate the person, just hate the behavior.
Love and Light to you all!

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