Monday, March 26, 2012

limping into Monday...

Buffalo's municipal pool - it's huge and free! Notice the olympic lanes go sideways.

Holy Cow, today I feel like my arms got stretched twice the length they should be!  I think I may have said that yesterday was going to be a nice, relaxing day, didn’t I?  Well, I lied!  It was such a gorgeous day that Rob and I spent quite a bit of it outside working in the garden and on the lawn again.

We had a lot of ice that accumulated in several spots in the front yard this past winter.  That doesn’t usually happen, but this year the darn stuff just sat in one spot, right on either side of the front walk.  It took months, I swear, for those two little ice islands to melt.  We tried real hard not to use any chemicals on the sidewalk as we found out in prior years that can really do a number on the grass.  Oh sure, they say on the container of ice melt that it’s safe for plants and animals, but they lie, they always lie.  I think they get a kickback from the grass seed people, if you ask me.

Anyway, what resulted from all that ice sitting so long, was a ton of dead grass.  In order for the healthy grass to start coming back out, we have to thrash out the dead stuff.  So, silly me, I decided yesterday that I was up for the task of using the thrashing rake to start pulling out some of that darn dead grass.  I don’t know if you have ever seen those particular rakes, they look like a medieval weapon!  They have a series of blades on both sides and you have to hold them at a certain angle or they’ll pull up everything, including the dirt. I only worked on a pretty small spot yesterday and now I can barely move my arms! I’m thinking that for the rest of the job, we may need to go rent one of those thrashing mowers because otherwise, it may take me til next winter to finish this project. 

When my arms started feeling like jelly, I switched to the regular rake and finished getting all the dead leaves out of our hedgerow that we are trying to grow in front of the house.  Our lilac hedgerow circles almost our entire property and for the last few years we have been trying to get it to grow on the last little bit of the front so we can block our view of the neighbors across the street.  Because it’s still sparse, the leaves from everyone’s trees seem to accumulate there all winter.  It was all packed down and starting to turn to mulch.  I had to get it out, though, as we have that all graveled with scoria rock and the leaves were just making it look messy. It amazed me that I got almost two full bags of leaves out of that little area!  While I was doing that, Rob was filling the flower gardens with fresh topsoil.

We have a great system here with the landfill.  Everyone takes their yard waste to them and they compost it and screen out all the yucky stuff and then you can go and pick up as much of it as you want after it’s turned into good soil again.  It’s free if you load it yourself and only $10 if they use the backhoe to fill your truck bed for you. Rob had gotten a whole truck bed full on Saturday and did a nice job yesterday of topping off the gardens. I can’t believe how much stuff we’ve gotten done so far this spring, we are way ahead of schedule!

I also spent several hours trimming my clematis vines.  That’s one of my favorite features of the garden out front and we now have four vines spaced along the front.  You have to let them sit with their squiggly vines all winter because they put out new shoots all over the dead vines.  You wait until spring to see where the new growth is coming out before you start trimming all the branches.  Ours have gotten so big, I have them tied up to the trellises so they don’t sag in the summer.  It’s a lot of work to trim them back in the spring but the payoff is incredible.  I have several different kinds of clematis, one makes purple flowers the size of your outstretched hand that blooms all summer and then I have several that are variegated and a little smaller in bloom.

The big clematis in bloom

So, this morning, I’m stiffer than heck, let me tell you! I took some ibuprofen last night before bed to stave off the worst of the muscle soreness, so I have no idea what I would have felt like otherwise! I’m not really complaining, though, it felt so good to be out in the sunshine working.  Rob has asked me to delay fixing dinner at the regular time for the rest of the week so he can go out after work every evening to work on stuff some more as the weather forecast is still saying we’re going to have lovely weather all week.

Today really is going to be an easy day, I think.  I have my tanning to do, first thing, of course. I should be able to stop that real soon if the weather continues like it’s been going. I would much rather get my sunshine naturally, if I can.  I think I told you that I have a skin condition that requires me to get a certain amount of sunshine, or I break out in a nasty rash.  It’s one of the lovely side effects of having AIDS. It’s called eosinophilic foliculitis and they believe it’s caused by my low t-cell count, causing eosinophils to attack the sebum (oils produced in the skin) of my sebaceous gland cells.  The only treatment is steroids or sunlight.  Since steroids deplete your immune system even further, I have to go with the sunlight. I’m probably one of the few people you’ll ever run across that actually has a dermatologist’s prescription to go torture myself in a tanning bed. As I said before, I’ve found I only need to go twice a week to keep the rash at bay, thank goodness.  I get really tired of slathering myself with lotion all the time to combat the dry skin that results from the tanning.  I also have to go twice a year to get checked for skin cancer because of it. Bizarre, eh?

Thistle munching her big bone

The rest of the day is pretty open at the moment.  I may have to go track down some girlfriends and see if anyone wants to go for a nice hike later.  I know Thistle is ready for a nice long walk, that’s for sure.  She was not happy that we spent most of the weekend in the front yard, away from her.  She let us know by digging more of her extra special holes in the middle of the backyard.  I guess I’ll be filling those back in today, the little cuss!

I hope you have a wonderful week and that your Monday starts it off right!

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