Monday, March 5, 2012

yoga and taxes...

Greetings, all! I’m feeling pretty darn good this morning, if I do say so myself! I actually slept until 5 a.m.!  Maybe I am finally getting over this early morning wake-up I’ve been going through for the last two months. Man, that would be awesome. I am so tired of falling asleep in my recliner in the early evening and waking up before the crack of dawn!!

My knee is doing much, much better. I can walk unassisted now, thank goodness. I was beginning to think I’d be married to that stupid cane/crutch for life. My knee is still a little stiff and I have some trouble bending it all the way but I think once I start physical therapy at the end of this week, that, too, will be fixed.  The stitches are starting to itch, as well.  I finally got to take a real shower yesterday, too.  The surgeon had told me not to do so until 6 days post-op.  I think I spend about 45 minutes under the water, just soaking up the warm goodness.  You don’t realize how much you enjoy showers until you can’t have one for 6 days, let me tell you!  I had been taking baths and keeping my knee out of the water, but that just isn’t the same.

Yesterday I finally sat down and did our questionnaire for our taxes. Our accountants, Dooley & Jelly are great folks but I gotta tell ya, I feel like I do all the work.  It took me almost 6 hours to fill the darn thing out and even though I’ve been doing it for years, it’s very frustrating and confusing.  It doesn’t help that in addition to our personal stuff, which includes a massive amount of medical stuff, we have two home businesses worth of receipts I have to categorize.  I really wish everyone would get off their proverbial asses and pass the Fair Tax! It would be so much simpler.  For one thing, we should not be taxing income in the first place, right?  The way it works now, the more you earn, the more you pay.  Now any idiot can figure out that you wouldn’t want to work too much with that kind of system.  The Fair Tax only taxes you on what you “purchase”.  The less you buy, the less you pay! Oh, don’t get me started, my blog is not supposed to be about what’s going on in the nation, it’s about me, so I’m going to shut up but I do ask all of you to look up “Fair tax” and after you read about it, I bet you’ll agree it’s the simplest solution.  The problem with the politicians is that there’s no room for lobbyists to make money from it and that’s why it’s not moving forward.

Sorry, every time I do taxes I get so pissed. I have worked at least three jobs all my life, up until my disability.  I have never gotten more than a pittance of my money as a return, I have always had to pay and it irks the hell out of me. I know a lot of people who live off the system and proudly proclaim they are getting back a big refund and I know that is MY money they are getting, not theirs.

Anyway, today is going to be a lot of fun. I have all kinds of things lined up to do.  First thing is my lovely tanning bed awaits me for my 12 minutes of bliss.  I take my little i-pod in there with me and I shake and jiggle to the music. It always starts my day off right.  It’s supposed to actually get up into the 60’s today, can you stand it?  After tanning, I’m stopping by Gin’s house for coffee and smoozing. She was off having her “single lady” adventures all weekend and I have to hear all about it.  I bet she has some great stories as she and Tamra are always getting into something on the weekends!

This afternoon, I’m taking Breean around to some of the local businesses to introduce her to the fine folks who run things here.  She says she doesn’t think folks are real friendly here, or at least that hasn’t been her experience so far. I told her that this is a tourist town and folks just don’t know yet that she’s a local and that she’ll be here more than a minute.  We tend to be polite but reserved with folks just passing through (unless they are real gregarious) until we get to know them.  Since I know just about everyone in town, I told her it would be best if I accompanied her on her outings for awhile so they’d see real quick that she is not a tourist.  Today is her daughter’s first day of school at Meadowlark Elementary.  We’ll just have her son along with us, who is 4 and a real hoot.  The other day, they stopped in to see Jim at the office and Wyatt walked over to Rob with this real serious look on his face and cocked his head up with his bright blue eyes and said “Hi, Rob!”  You had to be there, but it was just so cute and darn near adult…

Downtown Buffalo, WY

I also have to stop in my doctor’s office at some point today. My hospital back east sends me this crazy long disability form every year, which the doctor has to fill out, proving I still have AIDS (like I got cured or something?).  I’m sure they wish I would just die.  When we settled on long term disability back in 94 instead of me suing the pants off them, I’m sure they thought they’d only have to pay me for a couple of years, tops. People were dying fast back then.  We settled on 70% of my pay for the rest of my life. I don’t think they ever thought I’d still be alive in 2012. It will be nice to stop in and see Sandy, anyway.  She’s just the greatest doc and we are lucky to have her.  She even does house calls, when needed!

Alrighty, time to get off my duff and get moving.  I’m going to start back up on my exercises today, since it’s a Monday and things always start off better at the first of the week.  I have been lax on my yoga, well, not lax, I couldn’t really do some of it with my knee all bunged up. I am pulling out my Yoga Booty Ballet tape today and seeing how far I can get….wish me luck and bendability!

When asked what gift he wanted for his birthday, the yogi replied:  "I wish no gifts, only presence."  ~Author Unknown

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