Wednesday, March 21, 2012

stranger than friction....

The Waxwings are back!!

How is everyone today?  I hope you are doing well!  I had the strangest day (for me) yesterday and I’m still trying to put some sense into it.  You ever have one of the days where everything goes just a little wonky and you can’t put your finger on why? It’s almost like the Creator sticks his thumb on your life and makes it tilt in a direction you don’t want. I had a day like that yesterday.

Everything started off just fine.  Rob and I had a nice chat in the morning before he went to work, excitedly talking about all sorts of upcoming things.  I got my exercise in for the day before I went to see Carmen for my massage because I wanted to make sure that if I was gonna pull a muscle during my routine, I should do it BEFORE I saw her, right?  Well, that all went smoothly, no surprises there.

At Carmen’s we decided to start on my legs this time, after I explained to her about Joey working on my shoulders and giving me all those exercises to help strengthen those little muscles.  Gosh, Carmen has magic hands, she really got my legs all straightened out!  It was toward the end of our session and Carmen was doing some energy work on me and that’s when  all the weirdness started happening.  She was concentrating on one side of me and we could both feel the energy flowing and then all of a sudden, Carmen’s hands flew off me!  She asked me if I felt something unusual and I said yes, it felt different from the other side.  She told me that I had some built up anger somewhere and she was feeling it really strongly! So, after a few minutes discussion about what it might be, she went back and said it seemed to be better just by me acknowledging it.  So, we finished up the session and I was feeling pretty darn good, even humming to myself as I went back to the car.

But, for some reason, for the rest of the morning, I couldn’t get warm.  You ever have one of those days?  The weather was starting to moderate back into the 50’s and the sun was shining, but no matter what I did, I felt cold.  I actually started thinking I was coming down with something.  Shortly after that, Rob called and asked if I’d like to go to Pizza Hut for lunch.  Now, I love going there because I’m a salad freak and they have a great salad.  We always go early, before they let the kids from the high school out for lunch at noon, as they are like a swarm of bees on the pizza buffet!  Well, we got there at 11:15 and they must have changed the schedule for the kids because it was packed with the little munchers!  Poor Rob, every time they’d bring out a pizza, those kids would swarm it and there’d be nothing left but the pan.  Finally, they got enough and Rob was able to get his pizza.  I’m glad I don’t eat that stuff, apparently salad is not high on the adolescent hit list as there was no fight for the lettuce!

Eating lunch did nothing to stoke my inner fire, I just got to feeling even colder. As Rob was dropping me off back at the house, friend Ginnie called and asked me if I’d like to take a drive in her fun little beater truck (not her regular vehicle) out to Klondike Ranch to see how all the baby calves were doing.  I explained that I was really cold and I just didn’t think riding in that little truck was sounding like a fun time at the moment.  She suggested I try warming up in my little portable infrared sauna, which, of course, I hadn’t even thought of.  So, that’s exactly what I did.  That did help warm me up as the sauna gets up to 130 degrees.  But the minute I got out of it, I was cold again. So, I grabbed my blanket and snuggled into my recliner and took a nice nap for most of the afternoon.

When I woke up at around 4 p.m., having had almost a three hour nap, I actually felt worse than when I went to sleep.  Rut ro, I kept thinking to myself, I must be coming down with something! Not only that, I felt angry!  You ever do that?  Just wake up mad? Now, I’ve done that on occasion, but I usually have a good reason.  Yesterday, however, I had no reason whatsoever to be feeling that way.  Playing with Thistle didn’t help, either.  It was almost like someone else had taken over, like it wasn’t me.  Rob came home and I told him that I was feeling this way and that I apologize in advance for any curt remarks I might make.  Of course, everything continued to conspire against me for the evening, even! 

I had just cleaned the barbeque grill last week so I decided to make Rob a nice ribeye on the grill for dinner.  I went out and preheated the grill and came back 15 minutes later and the temp had only gone up to 300 degrees.  What?  We fiddled and looked and fiddled some more, the gas was fine, full as a tick, the jets were clear…. Ugh!  I ended up having to finish his steak on the stove, which just added to my lovely mood! Rob likes his steak well done so I practically have to ruin a pan if I do it inside.  So, we got through dinner (mine was leftover Chinese veggies from the weekend) despite all the crap I had to go through. 

So, for the rest of the evening, I just sat and did Reiki on myself while Rob and I watched television and he went back and forth to work on websites during commercials.  Rob was very understanding about my mood, although puzzled.  You see, I’m a really happy person and this just wasn’t like me.

We finally went to bed and I was sure that this was the end of a bad day, just chalk this one up for the record books.  No, not so fast, lady!  About 1:30 this morning, dear little Thistle decided to hork on the bed!  THAT was the crowning of the long day!  Not only that, but as I was going to get a towel to clean it up, I returned and she was eating it! Yuck, yuck, yuck!!! She’s fine, of course.  Dogs hork like we cough, unfortunately.  I had just washed the bedspread this weekend, of course and will now have to do it again.

Thistle the horker

So, I’m hoping that I’m over whatever that was yesterday.  I feel fine this morning.  I don’t feel angry or sad or anything. I actually woke up with a song in my head again, so that’s good.  I have no idea what could have triggered all that meaness in me.  I’m just glad I recognized it and stayed away from people.

Today is supposed to be gorgeous weather again.  I think first thing, Thistle and I are going to go for a nice long walk and drop in on some friends down the street on our way back.  Just in case I have any lingering madness, that should push it right out the backdoor of my brain, right?  Whew, maybe I was just making way for spring, clearing out the cobwebs of winter, I don’t know.  Thanks for listening……Let’s all have an awesome day, shall we?

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