Thursday, March 29, 2012

breathing again....

Flatiron Lake in the Bighorns

Good morning and a happy Thursday to everyone! We’ve almost made it to the end of the week again! Time to get a spring in our step and start looking toward the fun we all have planned for the weekend, right?

Remember I told you yesterday that I was getting over my telephone reluctance by accepting an assignment to cold call a bunch of Wyoming businesses for the Chamber?  Well, I lied. Instead, I pretty much had a meltdown yesterday over the whole thing, darn it. I thought I had it under control but everything I did to try to make it go smoothly just turned into more and more anxiety for me. I had even typed up my little speech of what to say to these people.  But the closer I got to making that first phone call, the worse I got.  I spent two and a half days getting ready and I wigged out.  I ended up going down to the Chamber office and telling Rachel that I just couldn’t do it.  I have agreed to go personally visit all the local businesses in town that have Made in Wyoming stuff and talk to them face to face but I told her I just can’t do the phone calls. I  know that she probably thinks I’m a total freak and I’m beginning to agree with her.  I guess we all have things we just can’t get over.  Poor Rob has had to deal with this aspect of my personality for many years and I don’t think even he really gets it. Hell, I don’t even get it!

People think I’m really extroverted but I’m not.  I’m one of those people that’s really shy around new people although you’d never know it.  I’m always trying to make up for it by being overly friendly but inside I’m shaking like a leaf.  I guess we all have our little personality faults and we just drove into the cavern of mine.  I don’t think I’ll be trying any more experiments in trying to  overcome this one in this lifetime.  I have actually quit my membership on boards because I can’t make the stupid phone calls and I should have known better.

I must say, I feel a lot better today, though.  The tension I’ve been carrying since I got this assignment last Friday is finally gone. From now on, I’m just going to keep my mouth shut when people are looking for volunteers! 

Speaking of volunteers, we have our Small Business Expo here at the fairgrounds tomorrow.  We have a booth for our business, Wild Wyoming Images, once again this year.  This is one of my favorite shows that we do during the year.  The Expo goes on Friday and Saturday and there’s going to be a lot of local small business people there.  They incorporate a Business After Hours cocktail party on Friday night into it, too.  I believe we’ll have live music and the Invasion Bar down in Kaycee usually caters the food.  Amanda, who owns the Invasion, is an incredible cook and always had really yummy appetizers!  I’m not sure who is providing the beer and wine.

It’s going to be a long two days, though.  We have to set up in the morning tomorrow and there’s a vendor meeting/luncheon and then the doors finally open to the public from 3-7 tomorrow and then again on Saturday from 9-3.  The reason it’s one of my favorites is that it is the first time all season we see a lot of people that have been holed up all winter.  It’s a big social gathering for everyone in town.  The Chamber always has great prizes for this, too. I think this year they are giving away a flat screen TV and several nice trips. Our booth is going to be right next to St Francis Animal Shelter, and I know Olin is bringing a bunch of kittens from the shelter to entice people to come adopt!  So, I’ll have lots of fun with them for the duration of the show!

Cloud Peak in the Bighorns

So, today, I’ll be getting everything ready for the show, making sure we have everything ready to go.  We just had that show in Sheridan so it shouldn’t be too much trouble, everything is pretty much ready.  I think all I really have to do besides pull everything out and check it off the list is to go get our cash bank together.  I did notice that there’s a lot of fingerprints on the 18 x 24 photos (people really like to go through those) so I may have to change out some of the plastic coverings we use to protect the photos from all those grubby hands.

Other than that, I think Thistle and I are going to try to hit Mtn Plains Park for a walk at some point today after my morning tan.  It’s supposed to be gorgeous again today.  Everything in the flower garden’s coming up like gang busters right now.  I was out at my friend Sherry’s house yesterday and all her tulips are up and almost ready to bloom, which is usually unheard of this time of year.  Sherry has had an ear infection that she just can’t get rid of! She got antibiotics for it and it turned out she’s allergic to them, causing her some severe reactions and not helping to get rid of the infection.  As I left her yesterday, she was headed to a specialist in Sheridan.  She’s been battling this for about two weeks now, the poor dear.

Well, I hope you have a fantastic day.  I know I will now that I don’t have to call anyone I don’t know!

Scientists have found the gene for shyness. They would have found it years ago, but it was hiding behind a couple of other genes. ~ Jonathan Katz

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